Category Archives: Fiction

The Paris Dressmaker

Fabulous! The Paris Dressmaker was an elegant and captivating novel about the horrors, risks, and hardships Parisians faced in the City of Love during the Nazi occupation. Taking readers into the worlds of espionage, couture, art, and everyday life, the story takes us on an epic journey, introducing us to courageous people who didn’t allow the threat of the Nazi’s brutality prevent them from doing what was right!

Tree of Life Series

In the small town of Canyon Mines, Colorado, nothing new goes unnoticed. As newcomers enter the town for an escape or searching for their history, it’s up to the father-daughter duo, Nolan and Jillian Duffy, to find the answers. Meanwhile, rewinding in time, a whole new world is introduced as readers get to meet the ancestors who shape the protagonist’s existence. The Tree of Life Series will spark your interest in genealogy and pull on your heartstrings with its narratives.

A Light on the Hill – Cities of Refuge: Book One

The year is 1399 BC, the walls of Jericho have crumbled, and the Dwelling Place is being prepared as the Israelites settle in the land of Canaan, after spending forty years in the wilderness. It’s been seven years since the events of Wings of the Wind (the third book of the Out of Egypt series) and Moriyah has returned to her home in Shiloh with the haunting memories of her time in Jericho still plaguing her mind…