About Me

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Picture by: @khulud_zc

Hi, Everyone!  Thanks for stopping by to learn more about me! Honestly, I don't know what I can write in a few short paragraphs that will help you grasp who I am; there are so many parts to a person. On the one hand, I'm a daughter, event journalist, photographer, writer, and freelancer. On the other, I am a Yeshua-following, musical-singing, animal-loving, adventure-seeking, book-collecting young woman. While these are all accurate facts about me, the real truth is that if you want to understand who I am, you first need to get to know a man named Yeshua (Jesus), who sacrificed His life so we could live freely in Him! 

Without Yeshua at the center of my story, it would be impossible to explain my unorthodox life. Nevertheless, I dream of Inspire-Truth being a community where people can connect and share their stories, so let me tell you mine.

The moment I learned how to write stories, I was hooked. It all began when I started typing out the bedtime stories my dad used to tell me. Then, when my imagination grew, I created my own narratives. At nine years old, I dreamed of being a published author and had even compiled all of my short stories into book form; however, one fateful afternoon, I accidentally dropped my mom's laptop and lost EVERYTHING! To say I was devastated would be an understatement. That day has haunted me, but it also taught me a valuable lesson that I have carried with me ever since — ALWAYS make a back-up, along with a back-up to your back-up! Haha

As I grew up, writing continued to be a passion, but after losing all my work, I was no longer confident to write a full novel or share my stories with others. By the time my eighteenth birthday arrived, I felt completely alone and lost. Though I had grown up in a missionary family and had a personal relationship with God, through my teenage years, I got swept away by the desires of my heart and walked far away from God. On one of the most life-changing nights of my life, I rededicated my life to Yeshua and was radically transformed! As my faith increased, so did my desire to write again! Nevertheless, while many people told me I was a good writer, I still didn't believe I was called to do this. It wasn't until I stopped trying to write for myself and used it as my way to talk to God that my perspective changed.

I no longer call myself a writer; I am God's typist. Though I can string a few words together, I cannot write with the purpose, wisdom, passion, understanding, and emotion that would speak into readers' lives without the Holy Spirit's influence. These are not my words, and the blog articles you will read are not my own; I am simply the person God has chosen to use to share His truth with the world!

In 2017, God gave me the vision of Inspire Truth. He showed me a platform where I could share the lessons He is teaching me and the books that are impacting my life while also highlighting the key categories of this ministry Prayer, Testimony, and Writing. My ultimate desire is to form a community where people can build one another up when they're feeling low, share the truth of Yeshua in a world full of noise, and form friendships that will show you that you are not alone. It took over a year to find the courage to begin this endeavor, but the wait was worth it! 

My heart yearns to inspire people through these words, drawing them closer to God while also bringing believers together so we can converse with one another, pray together, and seek Yeshua as members of the Kingdom of God! If you are a writer or aspiring to be something that seems out of your reach, I want to encourage you — please trust the Holy Spirit's voice and don't give up! I have wasted so much time allowing Satan to whisper lies into my ears and distract me, but no more! Over the years, God has shown me that the calling on my heart is not impossible, and He wants you to know that too! 

I pray that Inspire Truth will be a blessing to your life and will lead you to open your heart to the Father because He has something in store for you that is beyond your wildest imagination! There is so much we have yet to understand, but each day we walk with Yeshua is a day closer to learning more about who we are and the calling God placed on our hearts!

"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12

Hannah-rose Russell