The Cornwall Novels Trilogy

The Governess of Penwythe Hall (Cornwall Novels: Book One)

The Governess of Penwythe Hall, book one of the Cornwall series, is a thrilling and mysterious novel! Centering on the ties of family and the enchantment of the Cornish coast, this clean novel will draw you in with its first word and hold onto you until its last!

It’s been three years since Delia Graythorne’s husband tragically passed away. Fleeing the coast of Cornwall for the smoggy London air, Delia is happy as a governess to five children; however, after the sudden death of their father, Delia’s biggest fear is about to come true. Torn between the danger that will come if she returns to her homeland and the love she has for the children who have captured her heart, Delia navigates her new life at Penwythe Hall on her tip-toes. Nevertheless, her past lurks in the shadows, drawing closer by the day, along with growing romantic feelings for the children’s guardian, Jac Twethewey.

How far will you go to protect your family? Is a dark secret worth the life of the innocent?

The Governess of Penwythe Hall is a captivating novel. It was so refreshing to listen to a clean historical fiction narrative. I know there are many like it, but I thoroughly enjoyed Sarah E. Ladd’s writing style and her portrayal of Cornwall. The characters were relatable, and each chapter left me wanting more! The next book of the series is already in my library, and I can’t wait to begin!

CLICK HERE to order a copy of The Governess of Penwythe Hall

The Thief of Lanwyn Manor (Cornwall Novels: Book Two)

Book two of the Cornwall series, The Thief of Lanwyn Manor, is another exciting, compelling, and suspenseful novel. Julia Twethewey, who we met in the first book, is grown and has journeyed to her aunt and uncle’s residence to keep her cousin company during her uncomfortable pregnancy. From the moment Julia arrived in town, she became a target. After inheriting Lanwyn Manor, Julia’s uncle moved his family to the country; however, as items go missing and threats against their wellbeing are made, the family fears what is to come. Can Julia build a bridge to ease the village miners’ resentment toward her family, or will her presence make it worse? And what of the handsome Blake brothers? Her aunt is determined to match Julia with Matthew Blake, but what of his younger brother, the one who captured Julia’s heart the day she arrived?

I thoroughly enjoyed this novel! Absorbed into the storyline, I was enthralled by the events that transpired – Julia’s love triangle with the twins, Matthew and Issac Blake, along with the mystery surrounding the stolen possessions. Finishing within a few days, I didn’t want the story to end. However, as much as I enjoyed the storyline, the ending was a bit disappointing; to me, it fell a bit short after the build-up to the reveal. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to the next book in the series and learning what happens to the other Twethewey children!

CLICK HERE to order a copy of The Thief of Lanwyn Manor

The Light at Wyndcliff (Cornwall Novels: Book Three)

The Cornwall series gains another mysterious and suspenseful novel with its latest addition, The Light at Wyndcliff. Pulling readers into the storyline within the first few pages, regency era, and historical fiction lovers will not want to miss this book!

The Light at Wyndcliff follows a grown-up Liam Twethewey, who has recently come of age to assume his position at the estate he inherited from his great-uncle, Wyndcliff Hall. Upon arrival, however, things do not go as Liam expected. With a ship crashing in his moor and evident misdealing happening on his land, Liam must take charge and learn to make decisions quickly as danger lurks right around the next corner. Unsure who he can trust, Liam finds an ally in Evelyn Bray, the steward’s granddaughter, but when alliances are tested, the people Liam thought he could trust could turn into his greatest enemies.

A page-turner that will keep you on your toes until the very end, The Light at Wyndcliff is the perfect book to snuggle up with as the weather grows colder. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this novel. Liam and Evelyn’s perspectives were perfect, the writing marvelous, the suspense engrossing, and the romance sweet and pure! Sarah E. Ladd has quickly become one of my favorite regency-era novelists! I haven’t enjoyed a series this much all year and will be praying that this is not the last installment!

CLICK HERE to order a copy of The Light at Wyndcliff

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