Nationwide Panic – Fear Not
Preparation done too late brings demand. While we should not walk in a spirit of fear, we must remain wise in the midst of the Coronavirus!
Preparation done too late brings demand. While we should not walk in a spirit of fear, we must remain wise in the midst of the Coronavirus!
Have you ever called out to God, but felt like He wasn’t listening? No matter what you are going through, God is with you amidst the storm!
When you get pregnant for the first time, it’s exciting. For me, I wanted to buy clothes and plan parties. However, no one prepared me for the challenges of parenting. You’re kind of thrown into it. Sometimes you sink, sometimes you swim, and sometimes you walk on water.
Milkweed is honestly a masterpiece, for lack of a better word, and I was sad when each chapter came to an end! The story highlights the innocence of a child and proves that hatred is taught.
Yeshua said, “Follow Me” (Matthew 4:19), but He never promised that we’d have an easy life; actually, He said the opposite.
A Girl’s Guide to the Outback takes on the classic story of enemies to lovers; however, while this novel is an endearing love story where loyalty runs high and Australian slang is plenty, many things were lacking in this novel.
In a world where your appearance is always being judged, and teens feel pressured to look “the part,” it’s super important that we understand the effect godliness has on our lives.
Beauty for Ashes — We all want to be free and become beautiful, but, what of the work the Lord is calling us to do through the nations?
A new decade is upon us, and we say goodbye 2019, hello to 2020!
The Camera Never Lies is a book unlike any other. Breaking the barrier between page and reader, David Rawlings challenges all who pick up this book to face the truth of their lives and strive to live a life of “No Secrets.”
What season are you in right now? Do you feel like you’re in the place God has called you to be, or are you still waiting to hear His voice?
God has chosen you! Whatever you need, He will provide and guide you!
Be Loved is perfect for teens who are navigating their way through high school, and for all the girls who don’t already know how much their Father in heaven loves them!
Life is an incredible gift from God, and having the chance to watch plants sprout, animals grow, and humans age is such an honor!
Nothing lasts forever. Every minute we spend on this earth is precious, and it’s not until we lose someone that we realize the true meaning of life!
Each year, we reach new milestones in our lives. Whether it be getting a new job, publishing a book, having a child, getting married, or becoming a year older, no matter what your milestone for this year might be, big or small, it is significant.
Be encouraged today that Yeshua has overcome the world, and His Word contains all we need to fight the battles that are raging against us.
The sequel to The Tattooist of Auschwitz, Cilka’s Journey travels to the cold and treacherous land of Siberia where Cilka’s fight for survival continues.
I Kissed Dating Goodbye was a book that haunted me throughout my childhood; however, five years later, I’ve read it again to understand the controversy and hurt that it has caused in the Christian community.
Should we be waiting for the third Temple to be rebuilt? For the last part of the Saved series, we’re discussing what the Bible says about the Temple and our bodies!
Margaret McMullen was looking for a story; but after visiting Yad Vashem during her trip to Israel in 2008, she found more than her next book, she found her family!
Last season on The Bachelorette, there was a lot of controversy surrounding Hannah B & Luke P conversation on sex and grace; but, what does the Bible have to say?
It’s a tragic day when a highly influential Christian leader turns away from God. It’s even more devastating when they take others with them and continue to speak into people’s lives through social media and other outlets.
What does it mean to be saved? The other day, a friend asked me this question, and it caught me off-guard.
Have you ever felt guilty for not spending enough time with God? Our faith does not depend on the amount of time we spend in God’s presence.
Everyone wants to live a life of fulfillment and happiness, but many fail. There have been countless moments in my life where I’ve wanted to throw in the towel and admit defeat, but I haven’t let that stop me.
How many times has God called you to do something, and you’ve answered Him with all the reasons why you can’t do it?
Is the Lord speaking to you today? Are you in a season of waiting? Cry out to the Lord, “Lord, I’m here, send me!”
It’s not easy to hear about our flaws or have them highlighted, but sometimes it’s important to recognize areas we need to change or work on.
If you have children or have babysat kids, you’ll know the answer to the question I’m about to ask. What is the one word toddlers love to say? The answer: WHY “Why do I need to take a nap?” “Why is the sky blue?” “Why do we have to wait?” Why. Why. Why. This morning,…