The Story I’ll Tell – Bring on 2021!
We made it!!! Who would’ve thought that 2020 would actually come to an end? This has been one of the most challenging years I have ever known!
We made it!!! Who would’ve thought that 2020 would actually come to an end? This has been one of the most challenging years I have ever known!
Throughout the Bible, we are told to ask for wisdom and understanding, and we shall receive it; but, what happens when our prayers are answered?
Being in pain sucks. Finding joy in tribulation might feel like a feat, but it’s easier than you think. When we put our hope in God, we will find comfort!
“Pride comes before destruction,” so what do you do when Satan’s whispers become louder than the voice of Truth? Whose voice are you going to believe?
People love giving their opinions, but should believers meddle in God’s plans for another? What is the status quo and does the Bible have anything to say?
Do you feel like you are in the desert, surrounded by emptiness with no sign of God’s presence? May this week’s blog be an encouragement.
Do your words and actions represent the fruits of the Spirit or are you unconcerned about the effect they have? That used to be me, but not anymore!
Where are the disciples who will minister the truth to these new believers, sowing them into good, fruitful, soil?
What really happened in the children’s block of Hitler’s death camp? Did books really save Dita? Dita Kraus shares the truth in an exclusive interview!
Preparation done too late brings demand. While we should not walk in a spirit of fear, we must remain wise in the midst of the Coronavirus!
Have you ever called out to God, but felt like He wasn’t listening? No matter what you are going through, God is with you amidst the storm!
Yeshua said, “Follow Me” (Matthew 4:19), but He never promised that we’d have an easy life; actually, He said the opposite.
A new decade is upon us, and we say goodbye 2019, hello to 2020!
What season are you in right now? Do you feel like you’re in the place God has called you to be, or are you still waiting to hear His voice?
Nothing lasts forever. Every minute we spend on this earth is precious, and it’s not until we lose someone that we realize the true meaning of life!
Each year, we reach new milestones in our lives. Whether it be getting a new job, publishing a book, having a child, getting married, or becoming a year older, no matter what your milestone for this year might be, big or small, it is significant.
Should we be waiting for the third Temple to be rebuilt? For the last part of the Saved series, we’re discussing what the Bible says about the Temple and our bodies!
Last season on The Bachelorette, there was a lot of controversy surrounding Hannah B & Luke P conversation on sex and grace; but, what does the Bible have to say?
It’s a tragic day when a highly influential Christian leader turns away from God. It’s even more devastating when they take others with them and continue to speak into people’s lives through social media and other outlets.
What does it mean to be saved? The other day, a friend asked me this question, and it caught me off-guard.
Everyone wants to live a life of fulfillment and happiness, but many fail. There have been countless moments in my life where I’ve wanted to throw in the towel and admit defeat, but I haven’t let that stop me.
Things don’t always work out the way we planned. We can be so focused on the big picture that we miss the small details that end up making a world of difference.
Today, on May 2nd, Israel remembers the events of the Holocaust and the people who died under Hitler’s regime; but, what about the survivors who are still alive, where are they today?
Fear: False Expectation Appearing Real… What are some of your biggest fears? Do you think you’ll ever be able to overcome them?
How often do you ask for God’s guidance when making decisions? Maybe you’re asking Him for help right now but are having trouble hearing the answer? No matter what you’re facing, I pray this post will encourage you to continue seeking God for advice and not lose hope in His faithfulness! God speaks to us…
Recently, I’ve found myself struggling with overthinking and anxiety. I’m not usually an anxious person, but over the last couple of years, I’ve noticed a pattern when it comes to decision making.
Noise surrounds us wherever we go. However, what happens when we become too dependent on the noise to keep us occupied?
What is love? How do you know when you’re in love? We have all read 1 Corinthians 13, but is it only talking about romantic love? Could there be more to these amazing words?
There are many controversies over various topics in the Bible. Debates are made on a daily basis over the interpretation of the Scriptures; one of these debates is about women and their roles in this world.
In last week’s blog, Pure Boundaries, I touched on the importance of finding your own faith outside of your family’s beliefs. I feel like this was an essential subject to tackle this week because there might be people out there who are struggling with their faith and juggling being honorable while searching for themselves.