Pure Boundaries
For the last week, I’ve been listening to the book Boundaries by Dr.Henry Cloud and John Townsend. It’s a Christian, self-help book about setting up the right boundaries, when to say yes or no, and taking control of our lives.
For the last week, I’ve been listening to the book Boundaries by Dr.Henry Cloud and John Townsend. It’s a Christian, self-help book about setting up the right boundaries, when to say yes or no, and taking control of our lives.
Life is full of choices. It’s up to us to decide if we’re going to do what scares us or sit back and watch the opportunities pass us by.
Thoughts are powerful. We take our minds for granted and don’t really consider what we think about seriously, but we should.
Growing up as a daughter of missionary parents made making friends a challenge. I have never been in one place long enough to make long-lasting friendships, and if I did make friends, they always ended right before I had to move again.
If I learned anything last week, besides how incredible my God is and the power of listening to His voice, it’s that you should never compromise your faith to fit in with the crowd around you.
Our God is powerful and everlasting! He is the Alpha and the Omega, the King of the Universe, the Maker of Heaven and Earth!
Please don’t let the title of this post scare you away. Don’t worry, I’m not going to get into, “Which party do you follow?” or, “Hey, how about that President Trump…” I have my beliefs, and you have yours. We are all entitled to our own opinions, and this is not a site where we only cater to one and not the other.
Has anybody ever told you, “Just go with the flow!” What was your response? Usually, I agree with the person and try to relax, but the thought comes easier than the action.
Warning: This post is based on my personal opinions and is sure to ruffle a few feathers, please proceed with caution!
Life is messy. It’s not meant to be a straight path. The twists & turns help us grow; they shape us to become the people we are meant to be.
Following God’s commands is one of the hardest things because the devil will do everything in his power to stop you from obeying our Creator!
I have never been good at pretending. I wouldn’t make a very good actress because you can always see what I’m truly feeling on my face.
God leads us on paths we never imagined possible! If you would’ve told me, at the beginning of last year, that I would have my own website/blog that was in my own name rather than a pen name, I would’ve laughed.
God continues to surprise me on Yom Kippur. There is honestly no way to prepare for it. When the Spirit is leading you, and you’re focusing on God, on this day, astonishing things usually come from it.