Introducing Me

God leads us on paths we never imagined possible! At the beginning of last year, if you would’ve told me that I would have my own website/blog in my own name rather than a pen name, I would’ve laughed. For years, I’ve been scared to share what I have to say with others because I was nervous about the feedback I would receive. I want to use the talents God has given me, but the fear of rejection kept holding me back!  

It wasn’t until October of 2017 that that fear left me, and my mind opened to the idea of creating this website. If it were down to me, this site wouldn’t exist; but because of God/Elohim’s guidance and push, I have the ability to write this post and publish it for you all to see.

Usually, writing comes naturally to me, but about two years ago, I started writing the words God gave me rather than my own. Some days I don’t hear anything, while other days, usually when it’s late at night or when I’m in the middle of doing something, words start to whirl around my head until my stubbornness abates and I open my laptop to a blank page.

Almost as soon as the page appears on my screen, my fingers work their magic, forming cohesive paragraphs before my eyes! I still haven’t gotten used to this feeling, and I honestly don’t think I ever will. The touch of the keys beneath my fingers and the sound they make as they glide along the keyboard is by far one of my favorite things in this world.

I’ve had many people tell me, over the years, that even when I have writer’s block, I should write. I’m not saying I disagree with that, but I find that unless God is giving me the words or the inspirations to type something, it’s a waste of time to sit typing things that make no sense and obtain to nothing.

I know I have something to write when I start to feel the magnetic pull between my fingers and a keyboard or pen. No matter how hard I fight it, the feeling doesn’t go away until I’ve either picked up my laptop or waited too long to write what was on my mind.

Waiting too long is one of the worst feelings in the world. It’s as if I was in the middle of a thought, but my mind goes completely blank, leaving me with a sense of confusion and bewilderment.

I’m currently writing this blog at one in the morning because I couldn’t sleep and the words weren’t leaving my mind. For months, almost a year, I’ve been planning how I would present my first blog post. After much deliberation, I didn’t think it was right to start by going straight into what happened on Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) last year; instead, I thought it was more appropriate to begin this blog with an introduction to myself. A lot of you reading this blog haven’t met me personally, so what a better way to get to know me than by learning my mission with this website and hear the words that are on my heart:

I have always had a wild imagination. Just ask my family and friends, and they will tell you about the crazy dreams I regularly have. I guess you could say that storytelling is in my blood. I live to speak, hear, and read a great story! I honestly don’t know how some people go through life without reading books, writing, or watching incredible movie masterpieces!

I’m starting this blog to get my words into the world and have a platform for others to share what the Lord has put on their hearts! I feel as if God has called me to be an inspirational writer who yearns to learn the truth about everything. I feel like the lessons I’m learning in my life are also going to help others going through the same things, so why not write them out for those struggling?

Galatians 2:20, “It is no longer I who live, but Yeshua/Jesus living in me!”  This is the verse that perfectly describes my life, though it can be quite challenging at times. I don’t want to write my words or what I think people need to hear; I want to write what God is telling me because that’s when words are the most powerful. Just like in worship when the Spirit moves, I believe the same thing happens when we read or write something God has placed on our hearts. When the Spirit is living within us, we are a force to be reckoned with!


Inspire-Truth has four key elements: My blog, book reviews, a testimony page, and a writer’s corner. On my blog, I will be writing and sharing what God is doing in my life and the places He’s taking me. My life is far from boring, and there’s always lots I want to share with others!

The book review section will contain the books I’m currently or have previously read. This section could also turn into a mini book club, but that probably wouldn’t start until I have this website up and running in a way that will give me more time to read and think of conversation questions.

The testimony page will be a place for others to share what’s been going on in their lives and what miracles they are witnessing.

Finally, the writer’s corner will probably be one of my favorite parts of this website. I have been trying, for years, to write books, but I never got past the first sentence or chapter. I’m sure some of you reading this are in the same boat as me, so I thought it would be awesome to have a place where we can encourage one another and understand what the other person has before growing the story more than you thought was possible! Together, we can cheer each other along, share ideas, and expand our horizons! Who knew writing could be such fun when we do it with others rather than by ourselves?!

So, if you subscribe to this Inspire-Truth, you’ll have the ability to keep up with my life and the things that are going on with others worldwide. I’m going to be very candid and share my heart with each post I publish, and I hope you will be too!

2021 Update: Reading this article almost 3 years later highlighted how far my writing has come and showed how Inspire-Truth has evolved! This year, the prayer request, testimony, and writing sections on this site were officially removed; however, that does not mean it is no longer our mission to hear from others! For young women, we have set up a private Facebook Prayer Group that you are welcome to join; Inspire-Truth also has a Book Club page which we hope to grow in the coming year. Inspire-Truth continues to grow each day, and we’re looking forward to revealing the vision the Lord has given us for this ministry! God Bless!

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    • Inspire-Truth - Reply

      Thank you so much! That means a lot! It’s honestly so nerve-wracking to publish, but I’m also really excited because I know that this is the path God is leading me on!

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