Word of Encouragement: Psalm 32:8

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” ~ Psalm 32:8

How often do we question the voice in our head when it tells us to do something? Let me rephrase that… How often do we hide away when the Holy Spirit asks us to do something outside our comfort zones?

As followers of the Messiah, we are called to follow the voice of the Holy Spirit and put our faith in the One who saved us, but when it comes to doing something new or hard, we tend to panic. We let go of our trust and return to our old ways of fear and doubt. So, how do we stop allowing our flesh to dictate what the Spirit calls us to do?

I believe that the answer requires a long look at our hearts. Are we still out to serve ourselves, or are our lives about serving others? Do we not believe that the Lord will protect us and knows why He’s telling us to do each task?

Today, many believers are trapped in the ‘I’ll bless you so I will be blessed’ movement, but that’s not true servanthood. The Father wants to lead us in His ways, counseling us with His Word as a tool to strengthen our faith, but are we ready for what that might entail?

This week, I really pressed in to what the Holy Spirit has been saying to me. While it can feel taboo to differentiate between our spirit and flesh, there’s nothing better than obeying the Father and watching His plans come together. Seeing the fruit of our actions and blessing Yeshua while we serve others is a reminder that God has His eye on us and wants to use us in His Kingdom if we’d only have the faith to free-dive into the unknown!

“So often we say we are willing to do what God asks, but when push come to shove, we reason away the inconvenience. When we do this, we not only miss out on a great blessing but may rob someone of theirs.” ~ Corrie ten Boom

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