Word of Encouragement: Luke 23:41-42

As we begin preparing for the Passover Seder and Feast of Unleavened Bread, now is the perfect time to reflect on who our Passover lamb is and how His sacrifice continues to affect our lives today! Each year, we clean the leaven out of our homes, but what about the leaven in our hearts?

In Luke 23:39-43, we read about the two criminals crucified next to Yeshua. One of them spits insults, mocking Yeshua and holding onto the leaven (sin) in his heart, while the other humbles himself before the King of Kings. Instead of begging Yeshua to save him, the criminal confesses, “We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong. Yeshua, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” (vs.41-42)

I don’t know about you, but this passage is an excellent reminder that we are the ones who should’ve died that day on the cross, not Yeshua. Yet, despite our sins, mistakes, and rebellion, He saved us and wants to restore our lives to bring glory to His kingdom! No matter what you’ve done, it’s never too late to turn back to Yeshua and be forgiven!

So, rather than going into the Spring Feasts focused on the cleaning, food, celebrations, or getting time off work, I’m going to reflect on the significance of the feasts and press in to what the Lord is saying.

Many of us are going through the motions of observing the feasts, but God watches our hearts and sees the fruit we are producing. Are we humbling ourselves and doing these things in honor of the Messiah who sacrificed His life for us, or are we merely dressing up and pretending to be His sheep?

Yeshua, thank you for being our Passover lamb and revealing the leaven in our hearts. Forgive us for our sins and wash us in your blood so we can draw close and have a personal relationship with you! Use this week to open our eyes to your truth, love, and restoration. We are the true sinners, but you see us as worthy of being saved! Thank you for your goodness and faithfulness! We praise your mighty name and rejoice that you are ALIVE and among us today! AMEN!

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