Hop into a sloop and sail back to the Isles of Scilly, where the hunt for hidden treasure continues in To Treasure an Heiress! Witty, action-packed, and full of suspense, Roseanna M. White outdoes herself in the second installment of The Secrets of the Isles series!
In 1650, Prince Rupert, the nefarious pirate prince, came to the Isles of Scilly and fell in love with an island girl. According to local folklore, before his departure, Prince Rupert gave his love clues to find the treasure he’d hidden somewhere on the Isles. Three hundred years later, rumor has it that the treasure is still an uncovered mystery, creating a buzz that brings archeologists and rivals to Scilly to fight for their prize! Will there be a victor in this race for historical discovery, or will the danger prove too great?
“The grandest thing we can ever seek is love. Riches will come and go, be found only to be lost again, but family . . . family stands the test of time.”~ Roseanne M. White
Beth Tremayne has returned home after her plan to search the Isles for Mucknell and Prince Rupert’s bounty is thwarted by the perilous events that threatened the lives of her loved ones. More determined than ever, Beth reluctantly accepts the help of her family and their guests, Lord Telford and Lord Sheridan, to solve the riddles that have obsessed her mind since she was a little girl listening to her mother’s bedtime stories. However, after an unfortunate introduction and bad first impression, Beth doesn’t trust Lord Sheridan, but is he really the villain she’s painted in her mind, or is the real monster lurking in the shadows, ready to deceive with his charm before revealing the sinister agenda behind his Cheshire grin?
“I may be bold. Sometimes — foolishly — even fearless. But that’s not bravery. Bravery is seeing the fearsome thing and standing firm when you want to run.” ~ Roseanne M. White
To Treasure an Heiress is a fast-paced, addictive read! Ten times better than its predecessor, the story picks up right where The Nature of a Lady ended, in a perfect continuation though told through new protagonists. While Elizabeth and Mabena are still in the narrative, they take a backseat in this novel. I’ll admit that I was initially sad that we wouldn’t get more in-depth details about their lives, but it was fun to meet new characters and go on another adventure through the lens of others. I instantly fell in love with Ainsley, Sheridan’s valet, and Senara, the daughter of the Tremayne’s cook and gardener; they were a great addition to this story!
“If God meant me to live in the desert, He wouldn’t have made me an Englishman.” ~ Roseanne M. White
Roseanna M. White did a fantastic job bringing history and folklore together to create this exciting read. I loved To Treasure an Heiress and couldn’t stop laughing whenever Sheridan was around. His quirky yet sincere mannerisms were impossible not to like. It was also a treat to watch Beth grow from being a flighty rosefinch whose greatest desire was to fly the nest to opening her heart and allowing others to help her. Nevertheless, to me, the stars of this novel were Sheridan and Ainsley. I loved how their different personalities complemented one another and the way they encouraged and supported Beth and Senara into the best versions of themselves.
“We cannot escape our families. They shape us and define us. We share a fate.” ~ Roseanne M. White
To Treasure an Heiress had everything from mystery to romance, but what I enjoyed the most was that this wasn’t just a novel of entertainment but edification. Adding a spiritual element, the underlying Gospel message of being washed clean and forgiven was impactful, filling my heart with joy and life every time I went to read another chapter. Now, I can’t wait for the final part of this series! I was really impressed with this book and can only pray that Roseanna will hit another home run with Emily’s story!
“Our sins, our bad choices, perhaps they coat us like mud. But the mud cannot take away the value He instilled in us. Mud does not make a pearl any less valuable. If it did, then why would Jesus have deemed us worthy of the sacrifice of His life? But He loves us, as does the Father. Because we are valuable.” ~ Roseanne M. White
*Thank you, NetGalley and the publisher, for providing me with a pre-release copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.*
Buy a copy of To Treasure an Heiress HERE!
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[yasr_multiset setid=0] Ages: 14+- “Prince . . . or pirate? Rupert felt like neither as he stood on the bluff, the sea beckoning him, the wind whirling about him, and the most beautiful woman in all the world pressed against his chest, her cheeks damp with tears.” ~ Roseanne M. White
- “If God meant me to live in the desert, He wouldn’t have made me an Englishman.” ~ Roseanne M. White
- “We cannot escape our families. They shape us and define us. We share a fate.” ~ Roseanne M. White
- “I may be bold. Sometimes — foolishly — even fearless. But that’s not bravery. Bravery is seeing the fearsome thing and standing firm when you want to run.” ~ Roseanne M. White
- “The grandest thing we can ever seek is love. Riches will come and go, be found only to be lost again, but family . . . family stands the test of time.”~ Roseanne M. White
- “Even if you have upset her . . . sometimes we need to be upset. Sometimes that’s the only thing that will convince us to let down our walls and allow someone in. Or even to turn to God.” ~ Roseanne M. White
- “I think too often we compare our souls and our sins to a grass stain. We think that His sacrifice is sufficient to knock off the clumps and blades clinging to the outside of us, but not quite strong enough to get rid of the stain in the fabric.” ~ Roseanna M. White
- “Our sins, our bad choices, perhaps they coat us like mud. But the mud cannot take away the value He instilled in us. Mud does not make a pearl any less valuable. If it did, then why would Jesus have deemed us worthy of the sacrifice of His life? But He loves us, as does the Father. Because we are valuable.” ~ Roseanne M. White
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