Poem: Overcomer (I Am Found Series)

By: Joy Lucia Hunneyball

You gave me tears for a reason, it would seem,
That I should follow them and let my heart open.
The things that move me the most,
I should intercede for them.
It is said that the things we have overcome
We now have authority over,
And I have overcome much.
So I shall sit in this room,
lock my door,
And pray.

I will let out the tears you have given me,
I shall write it down, sing it loud
Hear the cry of a voiceless generation,
I will stand in the gap for them.
For you are healer, restorer, deliverer,
And you long to hold each one of them in your arms.
I will die to myself, so that they may live.
Strip away all thoughts and feelings that are not from you,
Peel away my useless fantasies and idle daydreams.
I want to walk in the light, knowing the truth, unswayed.
Give me your eyes,
And break my heart for what breaks yours.
Let me be a vessel for your work,
Teach me how to love,
And let my tears lead me to the place of holy sorrow
To intercede
Until the whole world looks different.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Comfort them,
Transform their hearts,
Renew their minds.
Let not one stone be left unturned
Until you have completed your work in me.
I will run the race, discarding the heaviness that I have carried.
One by one, I will let them fall by the wayside.
Show me all the things that I am to let go of,
Everything that holds me back from your purpose for my life.
Remove from my sight every distraction.

Let me depend on you only
For in you I find everything I need.
Let nothing come between us
As I search for you in secret.
Reveal yourself to me,
Speak to my heart,
And let me rest in your peace
Knowing that nothing can touch me.

You scatter my enemies before me.
I have not forgotten your kindness towards me
Or the things you have protected me from,
The places from which you rescued me.
You have made me an overcomer
And I will fight each battle with worship as my weapon.
I will breathe life into these dry bones.
Arise, no longer will you dwell in the shadows waiting to die.
You are alive for a purpose and you are loved
By the God who created the universe.
You are not alone.

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