Word of Encouragement: Romans 8:28

Romans 8 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. It’s all about living life by the Spirit and trusting in God for all our needs and being His children. We are all called to live according to His purpose and follow His commands, which can be easy to do when we’re happy, and everything seems to be going well in our lives; but what happens when the unexpected flips your world upside down?

I’m supposed to be in the States right now. My best friend is getting married next Sunday, and as one of her bridesmaids, my presence is needed; however, as I was packing for my trip, I felt unrest and panic come over me. Anyone who knows me knows how much I love to travel and how easy it is for me to pack and leave, but this time was different. I was stressed about what I needed to pack, and hours before my taxi arrived to take me to the airport, I couldn’t calm down. As I prayed, I asked God to show me what I was missing and give me peace; what God revealed was anything but what I expected!

From the very beginning, I’ve given this trip over to the Lord. I know that there is only so much I can do and am trusting that He will work His miracles if I am truly called to be a part of this wedding and be in the States at this time. Tomorrow I will know for sure whether or not I will be boarding my flight on Wednesday. Thinking about it makes my heart pound, but I’m refusing to allow myself to get worked up; instead, I’m focusing on getting ready for my meeting and praying. Are you going through a testing time right now? Maybe you’re facing a giant and have no idea how to defeat him. Well, I encourage you to meditate on Romans 8 and allow the Holy Spirit to show you what you need to do. I’m so thankful God revealed the thing I was missing before it was too late, though the timing couldn’t have been worse. All things work together for those who are called according to His purpose! 📷: YouVersion

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