Word of Encouragement: Psalm 112:6-8

“Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever. They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear; in the end they will look in triumph on their foes.” ~ Psalm 112:6-8

Stepping into the unknown is initially terrifying; however, once we take that final step, we are overcome with relief and excitement when we see what awaits us on the other side. Growing up, I had to be dragged out of my comfort zone. I remember going to Disney World with my parents and refusing to go on anything beyond the teacups and Dumbo ride — they had to get security to carry me into Beauty and the Beast because I was so scared. Yet, looking back, that day was a massive lesson in learning that things aren’t always as scary as they seem. Each show and ride my parents wrestled me into became my favorite. Like our Heavenly Father, they knew what I needed better than I did, and once I settled, I was grateful for my parent’s defiance and the new experiences.

Unfortunately, it’s taken a while for this lesson to sink in. There are still instances where fear chains me in place, but a determination has also sprouted inside me to take a chance and do the things that scare me. And guess what? Like my time at Disney World, whenever I conquer my fears (which only means False. Expectation. Appearing. Real), I am so thankful that I didn’t miss out on all the Lord had for me. From rides at Disney World to my first solo adventure in Italy, fear has attempted to hold me back, but not anymore!

So, if you’re struggling to trust that the path God’s leading you on is the right one, I want to encourage you to take that step of faith and watch what happens. Take it from me; everything the Father does is for a purpose. He knows what we need better than we do, so why should we fear the path ahead?

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