Word of Encouragement: Matthew 11:28

At the beginning of February, I was reading through the 40-day devotional, God is My Hiding Place, and resonated with what Corrie ten Boom wrote:

“I know there are moments when you lose courage. You feel like a prisoner and that you don’t exist in the eyes of the people around you, in the eyes of God or in your own eyes. But Jesus says in Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” If you will believe that, you will know that there is Someone who is still interested in you. Jesus cares about you—not as a number but as a person.” ~ Corrie ten Boom

After struggling to be seen and falling for Satan’s lies about my worth, reading Corrie’s words felt like God was giving me a hug. We all go through seasons where we feel utterly alone, overlooked, or like the weight of the world is on our shoulders; however, we don’t need to continue believing these lies. These attributes are not from God. In fact, it’s the devil’s mission to have us believe that nobody cares if we live or die, that we need to go through our trials alone because everyone is too busy, or that sometimes the easiest thing to do is end it all…

I write those last words with tears in my eyes as I continue to mourn the loss of someone who was like a brother to me. I keep telling myself that if I’d posted this Scripture when God gave it to me, maybe he would’ve seen it and been encouraged to reach out. Nevertheless, as much as I would love even one more day with him, I’m refuse to miss another opportunity to sow into someone else’s life and share with them the truth of God’s hope, love, peace, and joy. If you’re reading this and have fallen into the trap of the enemy’s lies, then let me tell you right now — it’s not too late to grasp the hand God is reaching out to pull you out of darkness and deceit!

No one knows the struggle between faith and lies more than Corrie ten Boom. The more I learn about her life, I am reminded of how great our God is and how important it is to put our trust in Him, finding shelter under His wings. We are NEVER alone! Even in our darkest moments, He is with us! So, whether you feel like Luisa Madrigal in Encanto — believing that it’s up to you to carry the weight of your life along with those around you — or Bruno — alone and misunderstood — I want to encourage you to lay your burdens at Yeshua’s feet and allow the peace of God to wash over you. We aren’t promised tomorrow, but we can go to sleep tonight with the faith that God’s got His hand covering us in protection, His ears attentive to our prayers, and His eyes watching everything to give us guidance on the way we should go! Don’t give up! Find rest in the Father; He is the greatest comforter and protector, especially when we’re weary. 💙 Lila Tov

*Disclaimer: By referencing Encanto, I am in no way endorsing the movie as it riddled in witchcraft. However, there are still good lesson and teaching points that are beneficial and fit the narrative of this post.

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