
Intrigued by the buzz surrounding Nadine Brandes’ book Wishtress, I dove headfirst into this Christian fantasy, eager for a spellbinding journey. An epic tale that will take readers across the seasons as Banes and Talents fight for victory, Wishtress explores the profound truth of God’s lasting presence within our hearts and the relentless battle between greed and purity.


Her tears grant wishes. Her next tear will end her life.

She didn’t ask to be the Wishtress.

Myrthe was born with the ability to turn her tears into wishes. But when a granted wish goes wrong, she is cursed: the next tear she sheds will kill her. She must travel to the Well to break the curse before it can claim her life–and before the king’s militairen find her. To survive the journey, Myrthe must harden her heart to keep herself from crying even a single tear.

He can stop time with a snap of his fingers.

Bastiaan’s powerful–and rare–talent came in handy when he kidnapped the old king. Now the new king has a job for him: find the Wishtress and deliver her to the schloss. But Bastiaan needs a wish of his own. He gains Myrthe’s trust by promising to take her to the Well, but once he gets what he needs, he’ll turn her in. As long as his growing feelings for the girl with a stone heart don’t compromise him.

Their quest can end only one way: with her death.

Everyone seems to need a wish–the king, Myrthe’s cousin, the boy she thinks she loves. And they’re ready to bully, beg, and betray her for it. No one knows that to grant even one wish, Myrthe would pay with her life. And if she tells them about the curse . . . they’ll just kill her anyway.


I was really excited when I started reading Wishtress. After reading many great reviews, I looked forward to being swept away by a Christian fantasy; however, the original plot and endearing characters (especially Runt) failed to ignite the anticipated spark, leaving the story good but not great. Despite the relatable characters, obvious Christian allegories, and engaging Trials that had me gripping the edge of my seat, the narrative fell short of the “WOW” factor I hope to find when opening a new book.

Upon reflecting on my thoughts the last few days, I’ve concluded that my reluctance to give Wishtress a higher rating stems from the protagonists, Myrthe and Bastiaan, being too pure of heart. I know that sounds strange, so let me explain. While their growth is evident, their lack of radical transformation diminished the impact of their hero’s journey. I think the storyline would’ve been more impressive if one of them was rotten to the core, like Coralythe (whose POV felt utterly pointless), and had an epic transformation. The contrast between characters embracing their Banes and Talents could have been more dynamic, too. Instead, most Banes clung to their curses, and the Talented followed a well-trodden path of defeating evil. Despite Wishtress‘s powerful message of redemption, forgiveness, and rebirth, fervent fantasy enthusiasts will be left wanting more — especially after the abrupt ending.

Ultimately, I do understand why people enjoy Wishtress. It offered a commendable exploration of profound themes and originality that was fun to unravel, but the overly predictable plot and the lack of “WOW” left me feeling underwhelmed.

My Rating: ⭐️⭐️
Positive content: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Godly content: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Sexual content: 
Violence: ⭐️
Age: 13+

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