Israel at War: A Prayer During War

Dear Heavenly Father,

My heart cries out to You. Since October 7th, ordinary life feels meaningless. Israel is at war, and our enemies are attacking from every side. Every day, I watch and pray in anticipation, wondering what I should do. The South is getting hammered, with hundreds of thousands seeking refuge away from the borders, and now the North is experiencing frequent attacks. Is anywhere safe?

The world is also in uproar. However, not in the way you’d expect. There is nothing “just” about October 7th’s massacre or the 240 hostages still in Gaza. Yet, millions are rallying against Israel, condemning the IDF for invading Gaza to eradicate Hamas — a terrorist organization!! Their ignorance will never make sense to me. How are people so blind?

Nevertheless, through all the turmoil, hatred, antisemitism, destruction, and mourning, I stand on the promises in Your Word and praise You for Your steadfastness. The IDF is strong, but You are stronger. Our enemies call for our extinction, but Your Word declares they will not succeed.

So, Father, I ask for Your light to shine through this darkness. Call Your people to rise up, stand with Israel, and share the Good News of Yeshua with their neighbors, family, friends, and army units. Now, more than ever, people need hope and peace, and we know the true source of these things is only found when we put our faith in the Messiah.

I love You, Lord, and continue to wait on You. Reveal Yourself to Israel. Protect Your people. Heal the wounded. Comfort those in mourning. Bring the hostages home!! Minister to the hearts of the lost. Strengthen the weary. Remove the blindfolds. And pour Your love over this nation as we continue to be a testimony of mercy and honor against ruthless and unforgiving enemies!

In Yeshua’s name, Amen!

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