“There will be times when we just want to escape where we are in order to get to the next season. But God calls us to plant a garden right where we are—whether it’s in a wilderness, in the desert, or in the middle of a storm.” ~ Gretchen Saffles
Spring has arrived, and with it comes new life! All around us, the flowers are blooming, the animals are giving birth, and the weather is changing; but, do we feel refreshed and renewed? Isaiah 58:11 says, “The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.”
Whether you’re struggling to quench your thirst or feel revived by the Living Water of Yeshua, I have a book for you! The Well-Watered Woman by Gretchen Saffles contains something for everyone; inspiring believers to dig our roots deeper into the Word of God, seeking the Messiah in every aspect of our lives, and giving us tools to fight the enemy as he tries to take us away from the promises of everlasting life! We all go through seasons of drought, pruning, blooming, and revival; however, no matter what season you find yourself in right now, The Well-Watered Woman could be the encouragement you’ve been asking the Father for!
“The Well-Watered Woman is like a seed planted by God—continually growing by his grace, sustained by his promises.” ~ Gretchen Saffles
Gretchen Saffles pours her heart out in this honest account of seasons in her faith where she had to learn how to find joy and strength in the Lord when all she could see around her was barren wilderness. Her words, illustrations, and Scripture references not only share a testimony of the things she has personally gone through, but her inviting approach opens the door for readers to connect with each topic she discusses — identity, redemption, success, anxiety, to name a few. The Well-Watered Woman will not only minister to your heart but if you allow Him, the Holy Spirit will begin speaking to you, shining a light on the parts of your life He wants to transform.
“Life ebbs and flows in the rhythm of seasons. God, the gardener of our souls, faithfully prunes, tends, weeds, and waters us to produce a harvest for his glory.” ~ Gretchen Saffles
When I began reading this book, I thought it would be better suited for someone else — someone going through a harder time in their faith. Though my family and I are currently facing serious spiritual battles, my relationship with Yeshua has never been in a better place; however, as I continued to read Gretchen’s story, my soul began to cry out for the truth she wrote. By chapter 5, which spoke about bearing fruit in a time of drought, I was fully absorbed, soaking in every word and highlighting anything that jumped out at me (I made a lot of highlights). I might have felt strong, but through reading The Well-Watered Woman, the Father showed me that I needed to dig even deeper, truly bathing in the well of Living Water He promises to all who believe and live for Him!
“Dying to yourself isn’t the loss of who you are as a person; it’s discovering who you were meant to be—a servant, a sacrifice, and a recipient of God’s grace.” ~ Gretchen Saffles
Are you tired of living for yourself? Are you thirsty for more of Yeshua’s love and grace? The well of Living Water flows through this book, giving readers the tools to soak up the nutrients, renewing their spiritual lives before taking what they’ve learned into the harvest field to share with others! We can be so quick to beat ourselves up when we come up short; but, one thing the Father showed me through The Well-Watered Woman is that we are not meant to carry all the burden but to abide in Him — (A)ccept pruning (B)elieve his Word (I)dentify false vines (D)elight in Jesus (E)ndure with joy— allowing the Lord to be our gardener! We don’t need to be dry any longer; Yeshua is inviting us to come as we are — dirty and imperfect — so that we can be washed in Him, allowing His grace, love, forgiveness, and mercy to pour over us every day! Will you take that step towards the water today?
“Pursuing Jesus isn’t about attaining perfection or arriving at a specific destination. It’s not about having your life put together or avoiding suffering and struggles. It’s about finding unending hope, peace, and strength in Jesus so you can conquer the challenges you face and flourish right where you’ve been planted.” ~ Gretchen Saffles
*Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a pre-release copy of this book. My thoughts and opinions are entirely my own!*
CLICK HERE to order a copy of The Well-Watered Woman
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[yasr_multiset setid=0] Ages: 15+
- “There will be times when we just want to escape where we are in order to get to the next season. But God calls us to plant a garden right where we are—whether it’s in a wilderness, in the desert, or in the middle of a storm.” ~ Gretchen Saffles
- “The Well-Watered Woman is like a seed planted by God—continually growing by his grace, sustained by his promises.” ~ Gretchen Saffles
- ” Life ebbs and flows in the rhythm of seasons. God, the gardener of our souls, faithfully prunes, tends, weeds, and waters us to produce a harvest for his glory.” ~ Gretchen Saffles
- “Dying to yourself isn’t the loss of who you are as a person; it’s discovering who you were meant to be—a servant, a sacrifice, and a recipient of God’s grace.” ~ Gretchen Saffles
- “Pursuing Jesus isn’t about attaining perfection or arriving at a specific destination. It’s not about having your life put together or avoiding suffering and struggles. It’s about finding unending hope, peace, and strength in Jesus so you can conquer the challenges you face and flourish right where you’ve been planted.” ~ Gretchen Saffles