The Secret Garden

Become a child again with The Secret Garden! The worries of this world will fade away as you explore the Yorkshire countryside, experiencing the magic that comes alive when you stop believing the lies you’ve been told your whole life and hold onto the hope of a brighter future!

“At first people refuse to believe that a strange new thing can be done, then they begin to hope it can be done, then they see it can be done–then it is done and all the world wonders why it was not done centuries ago.” ~ Frances Hodgson Burnett

This classic begins in India, where a small, spoiled child named Mary has been served hand and foot since birth. However, after a cholera outbreak claims the lives of her parents and most of the household, Mary is taken to England to live with an uncle she’d never met, not that he interacts or stays long enough to get to know his niece. Given free reins of the estate, Mary is determined to find the garden that is rumored to have been locked away for the last decade. What begins as a desire to unlock a mystery soon turns into so much more as Mary embarks on a journey that will teach her all about life, friendships, growth, nature, and true joy!

A Yorkshire classic that brings out the beauty of life!

The Secret Garden was one of the books I remember reading at my grandma’s house. I can still recall looking at the pictures in the book and watching the 1993 movie adaptation. It has been a long time since I’ve traveled back to my childhood, so when my book club (What the Dickens Book Club) announced this month’s classic, I was thrilled to take a trip down memory lane.

“Where you tend a rose my lad, a thistle cannot grow.” ~ Frances Hodgson Burnett

Despite growing up with the story, listening to The Secret Garden on audio often made it feel as though I were hearing the story for the first time! I thoroughly enjoyed this book and absolutely loved the nature-smart message that poured through each page. I could imagine all the animals and flowers, along with Mary, Dicken, and Colin, as they brought the garden back to life! I smiled the whole way through!

Buy a copy of The Secret Garden HERE!

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[yasr_multiset setid=0] Ages: 6+

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