“Yahweh is the creator of all that there is. He is the most real thing, the only eternal thing. Our hearts will stop beating, our eyes will close, the mountains may someday crumble, the trees will wither away, but Yahweh will always be.” ~ Counted with the Stars
The Out of Egypt series, written by Connilyn Cossette, follows the lives of three women (one protagonist in each book) who each go through trials and tribulations through the course of the Israelites leaving Egypt and coming into the Promised Land.
I have read and heard the story of Exodus many times but had never thought about what was going through the Egyptians minds as the plagues were upon them. I was always so excited to read what Elohim did to free the Israelites that I forgot about the turmoil the Egyptians had to go through before that freedom was granted.
Book one, Counted with the Stars, started with a bang! It followed an Egyptian girl named Kiya who is sold by her own father into slavery to pay the debts he had racked up. During her time as a servant, Kiya encounters an Israelite who tells Kiya stories about her God/Elohim. As the ten plagues curse Egypt, Kiya starts to question the gods she serves. She wonders why they aren’t strong enough to take away their suffering and why this God of the Hebrew slaves is more powerful than them.
As the tenth plague approaches, Kiya has a big decision to make, will she take refuge with the Israelite servant’s family to save her crippled brother, or will she stay in Egypt and feel the wrath of this invisible God?
Counted with the Stars was an excellent book! The storyline held strong the entire way through, and it left me wanting more! I honestly couldn’t stop listening to the audiobook.
One of my favorite parts of this book was that Connilyn used God’s real Hebrew names throughout the text. I got chills the first time the narrator said the name of Yahweh!
I also loved how Spirit-filled this book was! I could feel the Holy Spirit’s presence as the words were read to me! When Elohim spoke to the Israelites at Mount Sinai, it filled me with warmth and made me want to get down on my knees and worship Him!
This book wasn’t like the other Christian books that are out there. It’s unquestionably not a PG-rated book, but I admired that. Counted with the Stars touched on subjects that other Christian authors seem to avoid considering the controversy behind them. It felt real and rawer than most Christian books, which seem to live in a bubble that nothing nightmarish will happen if you have God on your side. I know that He will protect us, but that doesn’t mean we will never face danger. In this book, Kiya had to be on her guard at all times and had to know how to stick up for herself when caught in a dangerous situation. I think that this is a book all Christian book lovers should read because, even though this is a work of fiction, I can honestly believe that something close to this could have occurred!
Book two, Shadow of the Storm
Where do I even begin with this review? Let me start by saying that the ending of this book was unacceptable! It seemed to end mid-sentence, and if the third book weren’t out yet, I would be screaming in agony at the wait I would have to endure. However, the third book is available and will be downloaded onto my phone ASAP!
Shadow of the Storm follows Shira’s perspective, the Hebrew slave we met in Counted with the Stars. The book picks up where the first left off but, this time, we get to go on an epic adventure with Shira, a girl with a passion for midwifery.
As the Israelites are camped out in the wilderness, Shira is given the opportunity to assist in a birth, which changes the course of her future forever! From the moment the baby was born, a desire to continue in this field of work is sparked inside Shira, and nothing, not even her mother, can keep her from fulfilling this passion. However, when things go horribly wrong, Shira questions if she is really cut out for midwifery.
The first book of a series is usually the best, but, in this case, the second has been my favorite (so far). From the moment Shadow of the Storm began, I was hooked! There was non-stop action and drama. I couldn’t imagine what was going to happen next, especially with all the twists in-between!
Throughout the book, I sighed every time Shira encountered Ayal, felt my blood boil as Devorah entered the scenario, and itched with anticipation at the next event that was about to occur. This series was a great way to begin 2018! I think I’ve found my new favorite author! Even my mom is listening to this series, and she NEVER reads!
Connilyn Cossette is one of the most gifted writers I have ever come across. The way she writes, the words she uses, and the stories that come out of her imagination are truly incredible! It amazes me that these books aren’t more popular or well-known. I think people get put off by the fact that this is a Christian book, but it’s so much more than that. These books expand on the events that occurred in the book of Exodus, but there’s no sugar coating or fluffiness in these storylines.
As I listened to the audiobook, I couldn’t help but think that the women in this series should be the face of the #MeToo movement rather than these liberal actresses. The girl power in these books is incredible, and it’s done in a way that doesn’t disregard men or ostracize them. That is what feminism should be, not what Hollywood is trying to teach our generation. Anyway, Shadow of the Storm is a marvelous book, and if you haven’t read it, then you need to!
Finally, book three, Wings of the Wind, was a great ending to an exceptional series! I enjoyed this book, but I wasn’t as enthralled with it like I was with the other two in this series. I blame the fact that I read Connilyn’s next book, A Light on the Hill, first, which gave away most of this book’s premise. However, this was still an excellent story! I loved reading from the point of view of a Canaanite and hearing a refreshing telling of the story of Rahab! I also enjoyed how the book began with Alanah needing to marry Tobiah, to protect herself, and then come to love him, unlike the other books where they married after becoming hopelessly smitten. It added a nice element to the story. My only complaint is that there aren’t any more books in this series out yet! I need more books!!!
Series Rating [yasr_multiset setid=0] Ages: 14+
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