Word of Encouragement: Romans 12:12

It can be challenging to remain joyful, patient, and faithful when the world feels numb or looks as though it’s crumbling around you.

This month has been tough for me. After breaking my toe, I thought it would be a quick recovery, but other complications have caused previous injuries to return and my energy to be sapped. I wanted to stay strong and close to God, but rather than going to Yeshua for comfort, I found myself scrolling for endless hours through social media and streaming services.

It feels good to binge while you’re in the zone, but as soon as you turn the screen off, your body tells you that it didn’t help expel the pain. Sure, there are times when it’s fun to binge-watch with friends, but when it becomes a coping mechanism, we get into the habit of feeding our bodies with the wrong food.

This week, I said that enough was enough and have made an effort to redirect my thoughts. Rather than looking at my faith through the pain, I was inspired by Lecrae’s latest devotional (Restoration) to examine my pain through faith, focusing on the joy and looking to God for comfort and peace. Though I still have pain and my energy isn’t what it was before the accident, I have found that this new mindset has made me feel happier, more productive, and slowly bringing me out of the tunnel I’d disappeared into.

Are you dealing with pain or going through a dark season? I would love to pray for you and encourage you to read 2 Corinthians 1:3-7. Don’t give up hope! Ask the Father to reveal the meaning of this season you’re going through, and never stop praying! 🙏🏼

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