Word of Encouragement: Matthew 14:28-29

“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. ~ Matthew 14:28-29 NIV

As I’ve been reading Michael Todd’s recent release, Crazy Faith, I was struck by his observation of Peter walking on water. Michael explained that while many people focus on Peter looking away from Jesus/Yeshua, he wanted to highlight the faith it took for Peter to step out of the boat and take those few steps toward our Savior in the first place! Michael writes, “You may feel like you’re standing on the edge of the boat waiting for God, but He’s out on the water waiting for you.”

September was all about getting out of my comfort zone. After begging God to take me out of isolation, He showed me that it is a choice to remain behind closed doors. While I may be surrounded by people who speak another language than me, God has a plan and purpose for my being here; however, it all begins with taking that first step of faith!

I want to live my life with the faith Peter had when he got out of the boat and walked toward Yeshua — making the impossible possible — and I want to encourage you that you can do the same!

Have you been asking God for direction? Are you struggling to understand what you should be doing in this season of your life?

Take the time to soak in prayer and preparation. And, then, STEP OUT OF THE BOAT!

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