Word of Encouragement: Jeremiah 33:3

Picture by: YouVersion Bible

If you have children or have babysat kids, you’ll know the answer to the question I’m about to ask. What is the one word toddlers love to say? The answer: WHY

“Why do I need to take a nap?”
“Why is the sky blue?”
“Why do we have to wait?”

Why. Why. Why.

This morning, the first word I said was why. At first, I didn’t think anything of it until I started writing in my journal. I’ve been asking God a lot of questions lately, most of them have yet to be answered, but as I started to write this morning, I felt led to write WHY at the top of my page. As I wrote the words that were on my heart, I noticed that every question started with the same word: Why are things taking so long? Why can’t I write the blog that has been on my heart? Why aren’t we seeing breakthroughs? 

All of us are searching for the answers to questions we’ve kept asking, but what happens when the ‘why’ to your questions isn’t being answered? Sometimes it takes more than God to give you an answer; sometimes the answer lies in yourself. If God doesn’t give you the answer, are you going to lose faith? I sure hope not! 

This post isn’t going to give you the solutions you’re looking for; however, I hope that this small Word of Encouragement will remind you to continue to ask God your questions and keep your eyes open for the answers. He won’t always reveal the answers through words, sometimes it’s through another person or an event that opens the door you’ve been trying to get through. I encourage you to write down your questions on a piece of paper, and throughout the coming days continue to ask the Father, until the answers come. As the verse says above, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know!”

Ask God your questions today, and be on the lookout for the answers! 

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8

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  1. Jan Eisele - Reply

    Just a thought! We ask God questions and get discouraged when the answer is not immediate! I think we humans tend to view time much differently than God!
    We want and expect answers immediately! God, knowing all, sees that certain things need to happen before…He thinks it right to provide an answer!
    Hope this is understandable…as I am not very good at expressing things!

    • Inspire-Truth - Reply

      Oh absolutely, Jan! And that was another point I was hoping to portray. We all want answers quickly, but sometimes it takes time to get to the place where we’re physically, emotionally, and spiritually ready to hear God’s answer.

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