Word of Encouragement: Acts 2:28

“You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.” ~ Acts 2:28

We all yearn to be loved unconditionally. During our childhoods, we seek this from our parents. Then, as we reach adolescence, we try to win it from our peers. Through the years, that desire to be known, seen, and loved grows into something more — often all-consuming. Search for it in the wrong places, and we’ll be left in a crumpled heap, but find it in the One who will never abandon us, and we’ll discover the joy and belonging we’ve been looking for.

Love is a fickle business. We want to believe that people will take care of our hearts and accept the love we have to offer, but not all friendships last, and romance often fades. However, that doesn’t mean our quest is in vain. Thankfully, we have the best role model and teacher to show us what true love and commitment look like!

Yeshua is the definition of selfless love. He sacrificed Himself because of His love for us and so we could be reunited with the Father. (Ephesians 2:1-10) As the foundation of our lives, our relationship with Yeshua should not only be reflected in our relationship with others but be the measuring rod for how we treat others and how we should be treated in return. Satan wants us to believe that we’re unloveable, overlooked, and unworthy, but Yeshua says we are fearfully and wonderfully made! Though you might be in a season of waiting, be encouraged, God is cherishing your heart and wants to use this time to teach you how to love others first! (John 15:13)

Love is a massive lesson in relinquishing control and being our barest selves, yet not all of us are ready to do this. We want the fairytale but forget the work it takes to cultivate, maintain, and produce what we desire. That’s why it’s so important to understand who our first love is and practice the art of loving others right now! So, don’t let the enemy steal your peace and joy in this season and lean into the love already around you (family, friends, God)

God will reveal the path at the right time, but don’t settle just because you’re tired of waiting or have found someone close to what you’ve been praying for. Newsflash: Close isn’t good enough!

Take heart! The Father SEES you, KNOWS you, and LOVES you!!

“God’s love for you might not come in the form of a spouse. It may be that God is healing the hurts you endured as a child. Or He inspires and equips you to do that thing you were born to do. Or it might be as simple as God setting you free to love the people around you in ways that only you can. What I know for sure is that the same way God was loving me, and wooing me, and caring for me in ways I could’ve even see, God is loving you.” ~ Alexa PenaVega (What if Love is the Point)

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