Timing is Everything

This month, I focused a lot on timing — praying about God’s timing, stressing about the lack of time, and wondering if I’d missed my time…

Praying about God’s Timing

Praying about God’s timing is HARD!! We often know when change is coming, but we never know how long we’ll have to wait for it to arrive. Some prayers we’ve been asking for years seem no closer to becoming reality, while others are answered immediately. There is no set rule or formula for God’s methods; only that He knows the end from the beginning and has seen the final product long before we were born. Though it’s only natural for us to try to guess the outcome and attempt to finish the painting ourselves, when we give God the brush, the canvas will transform into something beyond our imaginings!

What does your prayer life look like? Are you having open conversations with God, or is it primarily one-sided, with you asking for things before carrying on with your day? While there are times we must petition our needs before the Lord, our prayers of surrender are usually the most recognized. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve prayed for God to reveal His timing and never received a response. But, the answers are often immediate when I come before the Lord, laying my life at His feet and truly giving Him authority over my life.

The Bible talks about the Lord knowing our hearts and recognizing when we come before Him in the right spirit. So, if you’re praying for God’s timing, surrender to His will today and wholeheartedly give your life into His hands. You might not get the answer you’ve been waiting for, but the Lord will recognize your faith and show you that He’s near!

Psalm 139:23-24, “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

Stressing About the Lack of Time

Stress is one of the greatest weapons Satan uses to pull us away from trusting God. With the world’s current state, there is enough stress to leave even the strongest person exhausted, fearful, depressed, and hopeless. This attack is especially common while we await God’s word. Wading through the holding place can feel like trudging through quicksand, but it’s in this in-between that God trains us for the task ahead. For example, at school or in sports, we must take a test to show our supervisors that we’re ready for the next step before moving up a level. God does this too and will never send us anywhere or call us to do anything before we are ready — though sometimes it feels like we’ll never be ready.

I allowed stress to get the better of me too many times last month. Since returning from Switzerland, I felt a shift within me, telling me it was time for change; however, the timing remained unknown. I set goals, hoping to stay a step ahead of God so He would see how ready I was to take this leap with Him, but as appointments were rescheduled, my timeline shifted beyond what I’d hoped. These delays caused me to panic because I thought I was messing up His plans and wasting time. Thankfully, God had it all under control and used these stress attacks to remind me that He is not in a rush and has the timing mapped out without needing me to race ahead; after all, faith comes without seeing!

Romans 11:33-36, “Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out! ‘Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor? Who has ever given to God, that God should repay them?’ For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.”

Missing God’s Timing

When we hear God tell us to “Go,” we often think that means we should drop everything and leave, like the disciples did when Yeshua called them to follow Him. However, God usually alerts us that the time is coming so we can prepare before the final green light is given.

When God recently told me it was time for a new adventure, I was confident that meant I’d leave immediately. I’d been waiting for God to tell me where to go so long that I was prepared to pack my bags and go the next day, but that wasn’t possible. Days turned into weeks and months, and I was still in the same place. I was sure I’d missed my chance, like the door had opened and I’d stalled too long and needed to wait for my turn to come again. Nevertheless, God didn’t allow me to stay in despair or confusion for long. After a particularly panicked morning, the Lord used Elevation Worship’s song “Authority” to remind me that He is the one in control, not me. As the song says, “One word from You; Things change on Your authority!!” When we wholeheartedly surrender to the Lord, there is no stopping Him from moving! Nothing can hinder God’s plans; once He sets something into motion, all we can do is open our hands and follow His lead.

Proverbs 19:21, “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”

Are you also waiting on the Lord’s timing? I hope these words were an encouragement that His promises never fail, and though we might have to wait longer than we’d like, when the green light finally shines, you will be ready and the wait will be worth it!

“My fight is not my own; its end is in Your hands; I worship You because I know all things must bow to Your command; We believe this; One word from You; Things change on Your authority!!… For if my God is for me, then what have I to fear? And I will not deny Him the glory that is His!!!” ~ Elevation Worship

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