Reaching “ONE” Among a Hundred

On Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) six years ago, God called me to be His typist. Fueled by the vision of Inspire Truth, I embarked on this journey to write the words the Holy Spirit gave me, eager to witness all He would accomplish through this ministry. Today, my heart and motivation remain steadfast. However, the Lord recently reminded me that I’m not writing for my sake but to reach those searching for their identity and callings. This mission has been clear since my first blog post, but it took participating in Erin Phillips’ “Ministry of Marketing” webinar last month to realign my focus.

When we recognize God’s call on our lives, we often rush forward with naive excitement, believing the doors will effortlessly swing open now that we’ve been “called by God.” Little do we realize the grueling journey ahead, filled with long hours, trial and error, and unwavering determination. Nevertheless, living out our callings should ultimately be an act of worship to our Lord and Savior. So, we lay the work at His feet, choosing to honor Yeshua/Jesus in all we do, no matter the price or effort required to achieve it.

Of course, we want to see the fruit of our labor, but would you be content if only one person benefited from the work God has laid on your heart? Would that be enough?

I’ve heard authors say, “If my book only sells one copy, then it’ll be worth it.” However, Erin Phillips pointed out in her webinar that this statement is often followed by the silent plea: “But please, Lord, let it sell more than one copy!” While there’s nothing wrong with asking God to bring prosperity — or wanting to reach the masses — it shouldn’t be our primary focus when we set out to accomplish the work God has called us to do. Instead, we should direct our attention to the “ONE” our work is meant to reach — the person feeling abandoned, dealing with trauma, searching for their identity, questioning God, or looking for love. By doing this, we not only create a space of trust and connection with those going through these particular things, but we will reach more people because our focus is clear, selfless, and aligned with the calling God has given us.

Last month, we celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot), when Yeshua tabernacled among us to reach the lost and rebuild the bridge between us and our Heavenly Father. During His ministry, Yeshua was asked who the greatest in the Kingdom was and why He was eating among sinners. In both cases, Yeshua told the Parable of the Lost Sheep. (Matthew 18:12-14; Luke 15:1-7) Despite having one hundred sheep, a shepherd gladly leaves his flock to search for the missing ONE. In the same way, Heaven rejoices when ONE life is saved!

Each of us bears unique callings. Do you know what God has called you to do — whether in your life or this particular season? It can be anything from writing a book to being a waitress! In God’s eyes, no job is greater or less than another. Every aspect of our lives can become a ministry when we live to worship our Messiah. In doing so, we can reach that lost sheep eagerly awaiting our obedience.

I no longer want to post content to satisfy my needs. This ministry is not about me, just as your calling isn’t about you. So, as Inspire Truth celebrated its 5th birthday this month (Wahoo), I rededicate my work to the Lord and ask Him to use this next year to reach the one who needs to hear these words the most!

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