Word of Encouragement: Psalm 37:23-24

The enemy is on the prowl, looking for any opportunity to bring us down. As we grow closer to the Father, attacks from the enemy grow more intense. Rather than cowering at our newfound faith, Satan becomes even more determined to make us stumble or fall away from God. This morning, I read Psalm 37; I was encouraged by its words and promises. This powerful chapter has become my new battle cry when it feels like the enemy has the upper hand, acting as though the victory is theirs! ⚔️ Though it seems like the wicked are strong and prospering in their work to destroy us, God remains steadfast at our side, ready to fight in our place. While the battles may seem too great for us to bear, God promises to hold us, not letting us stumble or fall. When we delight in the Father, trusting in Him for all things and worshipping him amid the trials, God will see our faithfulness!

Whatever form of warfare you’re going through, I pray that as you read Psalm 37, the Lord will speak encouragement into your life and show you that he is really with you.

When we are weak, he is strong! We may be as small as David, but our God is greater than any Goliath attempting to come our way! 💪🏼 Today, I am declaring that Satan will NO LONGER bring disunity, hatred, anger, weakness, depression, or anything else not of God into my life! I’m slamming the door in his face, and though there will be moments where I stumble, I know that God’s hand is holding me, so I do not fall! Satan has no control over my life and will not ruin this day! The victory is God’s, not his, and the faithful WILL prevail! 🤩

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  1. Choyea Reddish - Reply

    That message was very encouraging to my life. NOW !
    This Truth caused me to rise up in my spirit and, Declare the Promises of God’s Word. Praising God in the face of any adversity the enemy may send. Yes ! I’ll be yet more vile, carried away with my Praises. Cause the Presence of the Holy Spirit inhabits our Praises, bringing Deliverance and Victory ! Thank You !

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