Are you thirsty? Do you feel withered in the scorching heat of the world’s expectations? Maybe you’ve been asking the Father for help while still drinking from the well of this world.
Yeshua tells us that all who drink from Him will never thirst again, but what does this mean? How can we partake in such sweet refreshments?
I used to think that by coming to the Father one time, my thirst would be quenched. Nevertheless, time and time again, I would leave the Lord’s presence and, in no time, feel as though I was walking in the barren wilderness. It wasn’t until the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to the truth that I began to feel the rivers of living water flowing within me!
How we structure our day and live our lives matters! On the outside, we can act like godly people, but the Father looks at the heart and desires to have a deeper relationship with Him. What fruit are you producing?
When we incorporate the Holy Spirit into our everyday lives, basking in His glory and denying our flesh the fruits that are not of Him, a newfound joy will fill us, and our mindset will begin to change. Rather than allowing our struggles, stress, or fear to dictate how we see or live our lives, by learning to lay it at the Father’s feet, we will not only bring glory to our Savior, but our light will shine bright in the face of adversity!
Invite Yeshua into your daily activities and allow His Word to flow through you! We don’t have to crawl to the Bible for replenishment because the Holy Spirit dwells within us, and He is inviting us to be filled every second of every day! So, what are you waiting for, run to the Father and drink from the well that won’t run dry!

As my family battles the enemy on every side, reading Proverbs 3:25-26 the other morning, gave me hope that I pray will encourage you as well!
Though disaster seems to lurk around every corner, I’ve watched how my dad is remaining calm and faithful to God, unmoving amid Satan’s attacks. Inspired by his strength, I have adopted this outlook and have seen a significant change in my life!
When we let go of our earthly worries and doubts, holding onto God’s promises instead, we will experience an awakening.
Through my family’s obedience and trust, God is giving us victory! It’s like what these verses are saying, why do we need to fear the traps of the wicked when we have the Lord Almighty on our side? He is fighting the enemy for us and hears the prayers of the honest and righteous! If we remain in Him and act in godliness, our feet will not be caught in a snare.
So, as I see this scripture's fulfilment first-hand, I want to let you know that you don’t need to be afraid either. It’s not too late to walk on the path of wisdom, leaning on the Lord for all your needs. He’s listening and will sustain you, using your faith, obedience, and victory to bring glory to the Kingdom!
What are you holding onto today? Are you fighting a war you can’t win alone? Lay it all at Yeshua’s feet and watch as your faithfulness brings restoration and freedom!

Good morning! I hope you are all doing well! During my time of devotion this morning, I read a few things that I wanted to share with you.
As believers, we hold the light of Yeshua/Jesus within us that shines to those around us. We are not called to walk in darkness nor be shackled to the works of the enemy (fear, anxiety, worry, anger, hatred, bitterness, impurity, etc.) We have been set free in Yeshua, and when we turn our eyes to Him, we have the power through His spirit to take our thoughts captive and align them with His Word! It’s not easy, but in time we will slowly be able to catch when the enemy is infiltrating our thoughts and remind ourselves that it is not our flesh leading our decisions but the Holy Spirit!
On day 36 of Called to Pray, Marsha DuCille writes, “As prayer warriors, we’re not passive bystanders who let in whatever comes our way. Instead, we’re spiritual gatekeepers who are commissioned to keep watch over what we think!”
Where are you in your spiritual walk with the Father? How can we stand with you as you mature in your faith and fight against the enemy's assignments?
“The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.” Proverbs 4:18 NIV
“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 NIV

What are you afraid of? Are you holding yourself back right now? Maybe you are struggling with depression and anxiety and are trying to cope with these thoughts. What if I told you that God has given us the power to be free from these chains? Our minds have the ability to keep us from the calling God has placed on our hearts, but we do not have to bend a knee to its will. We can take a stand and train our minds to come in line with the Word of God, which says that we are not to be anxious or afraid and have the authority to take all our thoughts captive! We are not alone, and the battles we are facing are not the end. Finding joy and gratefulness on the battlefield will transform your life, and it all begins when we lay our lives at Yeshua’s feet and find our identity in Him!

As I reflected on the events going on in the world tonight, God reminded me that life is not meant to be comfortable and that we are called to fight. As instinctual as it is to run before danger can reach us, the Bible tells us to stand firm and hold on tight to the Truth. This world is going to continue to plummet and fall further into darkness, so we must prepare for war; however, we are not to go into battle unprotected!
While the future remains uncertain, my prayer remains the same. May the Lord’s Will be done, may He give us the strength to continue to speak the Truth, and may every one of us clothe ourselves with the armor of God each and every day, trusting in Yeshua and having our eyes and ears opened to His Word! Though the world seems to be falling apart one crazy event at a time this year, we have nothing to fear! Our faith is not based on what is happening around us but on the God we serve and the promises He has made!
Have peace tonight and may His comfort wrap around each of you, taking all the anxiety and fear off your shoulders so you can have space to draw closer to Yeshua and meditate on His Word day and night! 💙💙 Trust in Him and lay your worries at His feet! The earth is quaking in its boots; waking up the sleepers, challenging every believer to stop living lukewarm lives, and revealing the ugly truth of the false hope we have stood on for so long! It’s time to take the weeds out of our lives and dig our roots further into the solid foundation that is the Messiah, so when the storm comes, WE WILL NOT BE MOVED!! 🤗

This month, I’ve been reading Our Daily Bread's newest 40-Day devotional, God Hears Her. On day 5, they posed a few thought-provoking questions that challenged my views on faith. They wrote, “How do we ‘touch’ Him? Do we approach God with the understanding that He’s our only hope? Or do we come carelessly, browsing for blessings?”
After twelve years of suffering, finding no relief from doctors, the woman in Mark 5 went to Yeshua of Nazareth wholeheartedly believing that He was her last and only hope. Touching Yeshua’s garments/tassels, she was immediately healed.
Are you facing something and searching for hope? It’s not too late to come to the Messiah. When I look back at the season where I would only go to the Father when I needed help, I see how He spoke to me in that time; however, I also see the one-sidedness of our relationship. Prayer is not a wishing well, and faith is about more than believing in a higher power to get a ticket to heaven; it’s about relationship, hope, peace, salvation, redemption, and healing!
How often to do you come to the feet of Yeshua? Do you wait for life to become difficult before turning to Him, or do you fall at His feet daily?
Though our the days seem to leave no space for a moment of silence, I implore you to create some alone time and dedicate it to the Creator of time! He wants more of us and, if we believe that He is our only hope, He will do more with our lives than we could ever imagine! Trust in Him today, lean on Him, and I promise that no one else will understand or give you true peace like our savior, Yeshua!

This month, I’ve been reading Our Daily Bread's newest 40-Day devotional, God Hears Her. On day 5, they posed a few thought-provoking questions that challenged my views on faith. They wrote, “How do we ‘touch’ Him? Do we approach God with the understanding that He’s our only hope? Or do we come carelessly, browsing for blessings?”
After twelve years of suffering, finding no relief from doctors, the woman in Mark 5 went to Yeshua of Nazareth wholeheartedly believing that He was her last and only hope. Touching Yeshua’s garments/tassels, she was immediately healed.
Are you facing something and searching for hope? It’s not too late to come to the Messiah. When I look back at the season where I would only go to the Father when I needed help, I see how He spoke to me in that time; however, I also see the one-sidedness of our relationship. Prayer is not a wishing well, and faith is about more than believing in a higher power to get a ticket to heaven; it’s about relationship, hope, peace, salvation, redemption, and healing!
How often to do you come to the feet of Yeshua? Do you wait for life to become difficult before turning to Him, or do you fall at His feet daily?
Though our the days seem to leave no space for a moment of silence, I implore you to create some alone time and dedicate it to the Creator of time! He wants more of us and, if we believe that He is our only hope, He will do more with our lives than we could ever imagine! Trust in Him today, lean on Him, and I promise that no one else will understand or give you true peace like our savior, Yeshua!

Let God Write Your Love Story
There’s a massive stigma around young women in their 20s remaining single. It’s as if the invisible biological clock begins ticking for all to hear, and there’s no time to waste. People talk, and rumors start to swirl about why a young woman is not in a relationship or focused on finding a spouse. Ya'll, the pressure is real!
This week, I found myself looking at pictures of those who have gotten married and had babies this year. It’s as if everyone is creating a family, while I’m still searching for a guy to date! The more I scrolled, the more I asked, “God, why her? Why not me?” As I drowned in these thoughts, I felt the Father remind me that the fairytale pictures are not telling the whole story, and we can’t compare our journeys with others.
Who do you want to write your love story? Some young women get so nervous that they’re running out of time, that they begin playing God, becoming impatient in the waiting and doubtful for the future.
I am determined to live my life for God and am in no rush to get hitched, though the pressures do wear me down at times. Being content in singleness is a gift, and there is nothing better than God revealing your help-meet while doing His work! When we try to find a partner without God's guidance, we miss a crucial element that holds everything together. Without God as the third member of any relationship, it will not last. I’ve seen too many "two-strand" relationships fall apart because they excluded God, and I don’t want that to be me.
Please do not lose faith when you see others getting married and having a family; their story is not yours, and God has something special planned for you. He knows your heart and hears your prayers. Hold onto Him, and when you finally have your meet-cute, remember Ecclesiastes 4:12!

Why me? Why do these things always happen to me? Self-pity can swallow us whole if we allow it. When the storm is raging, and you feel drenched as the rain plummets to the ground, how are we to respond?
While I’ve been trying to press forward and remain strong, there are definitely moments where I need to crawl back into bed, close my shutters, and block out the world. When all I want is to have a moment to capture my thoughts and pray, it can be really easy to fall into a pit of despair. My thoughts become consuming until sleep is impossible. However, during one of these moments, I began reading the book, A Change of Affection, and the author wrote something that resonated with me, pulling me out of my self-pity and giving me a slap of reality.
In the book, Becket Cook speaks about the persecution Paul faced because of his faith and ministry — read 2 Corinthians 11:24-30 — along with Paul’s response. Referring to Romans 8:18, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” And, 2 Corinthians 4:17, “This light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.” Becket explains the importance of looking at our present as it pertains to God’s ordained future. Rather than getting stuck in the events of today, he encourages readers to take a step back and look at the bigger picture.
We all go through things that we wouldn’t wish on anyone, yet there is One who experienced far worse. Yeshua bore the weight of our sins, so we no longer have to. He took on that pain, despite our rebellion and imperfection, and still calls us His Beloved. WOW!
The next time you feel like the world is collapsing on top of you, take a moment to go to a quiet place and meditate of these Scriptures. Remember, the weight is not yours to bear alone, Yeshua is with you, and He is telling you that He is carrying it all on His shoulders! Let it go. Give it to God. Trust that there is a reason and season for all occasions.
This life is temporary, and the battles we are facing will soon come to an end; in the meantime, I want to encourage you that what you are going through is not in vain, and there is always hope. Please don’t allow yourself to get to the place where you can no longer see the light or purpose of your life because the darkness has become too heavy. Trust me, you are important, and this season has the power to bring you even closer to the Father if you release the reins and draw close to Him! Use this day to tell yourself that it’s okay not to be strong enough, brave enough, or fast enough; you are exactly who God created you to be, but without His strength and guidance, we are powerless! It’s only through Him that our callings and greatness can be fulfilled! There is no greater moment than experiencing joy while the rain falls. Don’t give up, and always look to Him!

It can be challenging to remain joyful, patient, and faithful when the world feels numb or looks as though it's crumbling around you.🙍🏻This month has been tough for me. After breaking my toe, I thought that it would be a quick recovery, but other complications have caused previous injuries to return and my energy to be sapped. I wanted to stay strong and close to God, but rather than going to Yeshua for comfort, I found myself scrolling for endless hours through social media and streaming services.📱It feels good to binge while you’re in the zone, but as soon as you turn the screen off, your body tells you that it didn’t help expel the pain. Sure, there are times when it’s fun to binge-watch with friends, but when it becomes a coping mechanism, we get into the habit of feeding our bodies with the wrong food.🤳🏼This week, I said that enough was enough, and have made an effort to redirect my thoughts. Rather than looking at my faith through the pain, I was inspired by Lecrae’s latest devotional (Restoration) to examine my pain through faith, focusing on the joy and looking to God for my comfort and peace. Though I still have pain and my energy isn’t what it was before the accident, I have found that this new mindset has made me feel happier, more productive, and is slowly bringing me out of the tunnel I’d disappeared into.🤗Are you dealing with pain or going through a dark season? I would love to pray for you and encourage you to read 2 Corinthians 1:3-7. Don’t give up hope! Ask the Father to reveal the meaning of this season you’re going through, and never stop praying! 🙏🏼

The Bible speaks about pride coming before destruction. Having the power to infect a person's heart and destroy their relationship with God, pride is not something to take lightly. A single seed can sprout multiple fruits; however, we have the authority to stop its growth! By allowing the Holy Spirit to instruct and refine us, we can turn Satan's schemes into stepping stones, sharpening our weapons for battle, and gaining wisdom in the lessons!
If you are dedicated to living your life for Yeshua, these prideful thoughts do not need to tempt or divert your gaze anymore! I'm currently learning this (blog coming soon) and have found that when prideful thoughts whisper in my ear, I must take the thoughts captive and exclaim, "No, this is not about me, these thoughts are lies, and Satan is not going to draw me away from Kingdom living!"
"It is pride, and her many infectious daughters, that lure us into discord and dissension, wranglings and controversies, disharmony and disagreements - conflict and friction."
Source: https://dailyverse.knowing-jesus.com/proverbs-13-10
In a world where self has become the central focus, and your number of followers equals success, it's time to fight! Satan shall not succeed! He has stolen too many Believers by sowing pride into their hearts, but his reign ends now!

People love giving their opinions. They have no problem getting into our business and explaining that what we're doing is wrong, but should Believers be meddling in God's plans for another? Who are they to question God's voice? If we devote our lives to living after God, we will never be able to stick to the status quo or fit inside one of society's boxes! Does the Bible have anything to say about this? You betcha!
As believers in Yeshua, we are automatically targeted and judged for how we live. We don’t fit the status quo, and that threatens people. They can’t put us in a box, so their instinct is to go on the defence and try to “fix” us. It’s draining, and we will spend our whole lives trying to reason with people and explain why we’re doing these things; but, guess what, we don’t owe them anything.
Of course, we want to defend our name and explain why we are living a certain way or going through particular things, but those who have not gone through the same journey will never understand. It’s time we stop wasting that energy on defending ourselves against man and use that energy to fight the attacks of the enemy that come at us in our weakness. We’ll never fit into people’s bubbles, but we will thrive when we stop asking the questions, “Is there something really wrong with me? Could I be doing more? Are those people right?” And begin seeing what the Father is doing. He is leading us and showing us what we are to be doing right now; it’s not up to other people.
So, be encouraged that you are on the right track and all those opinions are people trying to understand with their carnal minds, rather than seeing you through the Spirit’s eyes!
“Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? To their own master, servants stand or fall. And they will stand, for the Lord is able to make them stand...” Romans 14:4

You are not defeated! This is not the end! “We need both the winds of hardship and the winds of relief to sweep across our lives if we are to be truly fruitful!” ~ @lysaterkeurst, Uninvited
Take heart! While it may seem like you’ve reached a block in the road or suffered complete destruction, it’s not over yet. God is calling to you. He wants to refine you and take your hand, so you don’t have to walk through this darkness and trial alone! Call out to him; he’s listening! It won’t be a quick victory, but each step is one step further. Keep walking and be encouraged because Jesus/Yeshua is right there with you, coaxing you on and ready to share His wisdom with you!
“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body.” 2 Corinthians 4:8-11 NIV

WEEKLY ENCOURAGEMENT! 🤗 The enemy is on the prowl, looking for any opportunity to bring us down. As we grow closer to the Father, attacks from the enemy grow more intense. Rather than cowering at our newfound faith, Satan becomes even more determined to make us stumble or fall away from God. This morning, I read Psalm 37, I was encouraged by its words and promises. This powerful chapter that has become my new battle cry when it feels like the enemy has the upper hand, acting as though the victory is theirs! ⚔️ Though it seems like the wicked are strong and prospering in their work to destroy us, God remains steadfast at our side, ready to fight in our place. While the battles may seem too great for us to bear, God promises to hold us, not letting us stumble or fall. When we delight in the Father, trusting in Him for all things and worshipping him amid the trials, God will see our faithfulness! 🎚
Whatever form of warfare you’re going through, I pray that as you read Psalm 37, the Lord will speak encouragement into your life and show you that he is really with you. 💙
When we are weak, he is strong! We may be as small as David, but our God is greater than any Goliath attempting to come our way! 💪🏼 Today, I am declaring that Satan will NO LONGER bring disunity, hatred, anger, weakness, depression, or anything else not of God into my life! I’m slamming the door in his face, and though there will be moments where I stumble, I know that God’s hand is holding me, so I do not fall! Satan has no control over my life and will not ruin this day! The victory is God’s not his, and the faithful WILL prevail! 🤩

Sometimes, using words to express our love and the truth of Yeshua is not enough. What we say or write can be misunderstood or fall on deaf ears; however, the way we act and serve others speaks volumes.
I've always loved the phrase, "Actions speak louder than words," because, in a world where noise is everywhere, a simple act can minister to a person's heart in ways words never could.
Shine the light of Yeshua in all you do and watch as people wondering what it is inside of you that makes you stand out!

Happy Shavuot (Pentecost)! Today marks one of the most important feasts in the Bible. Not many people know the significance of this day or how to celebrate it; but, once you take a deep dive into the Bible, your mind will be blown when you discover what Shavuot means for us today!
The first Shavuot took place at Mount Sinai, where Yeshua married Israel and created a covenant with them. (Exodus 19-20) It was on this day that God wanted to impart His Spirit on the Israelites, but the people were scared and rejected a personal relationship with Him.
Flash forward, and Yeshua is on earth, ministering throughout Israel and speaking about the Holy Spirit. (John 14:15-31) Ten days after his ascent into Heaven, on the day of Shavuot, the disciples are in the Temple’s courts when the Holy Spirit descends on them at 9am, and they are filled with the gift of tongues and the voice of the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh). For generations, the prophets had foretold the coming of the Holy Spirit, and it finally came! (Joel 2:28, Ezekiel 36:26-27, Zechariah 12:10, Isaiah 59:21). All God has ever wanted was to be in fellowship with His people, yet they continued to reject him. Yeshua’s death reopened the door for the chosen people to have a personal relationship with Him, and because of his sacrifice, we can be given a new heart and have the Holy Spirit living within us!
So, how do we celebrate this High Sabbath? One of the most important things, I believe, is that we use this day to spend quality time with the Father and wait to hear from the Holy Spirit. The calling on our lives is simple, minister the Truth throughout the world and shine the light of Yeshua in our every day lives. Together, we are Israel and part of a covenant that changed our lives the moment we welcomed Yeshua to live within us. Who wouldn’t want to share this incredible testimony with the rest of the world?
I hope you all have a blessed day and pray that you will use this day to draw closer to the Father, having your ears open to the voice of the Spirit! Hag Sameach!

Has anyone ever told you, "There's something different about you"? Have you tried to respond to that remark by asking what they think that difference is?
When we begin our walk of faith and ask Jesus/Yeshua to rule in our lives, a flame is sparked within us that has the potential to shine throughout the world! Becoming a new creation means that the Holy Spirit dwells inside of us, teaching us and guiding us in the way we should go. As we live by the Word, not only do our lives change, but people will start to notice something unique about us.
Believers do not belong to the world; instead, we are called to be outsiders, walking in Yeshua's footsteps and spreading the love of God wherever we go! One of the coolest parts is that we don't always need to speak to shine the light of Yeshua! Our actions speak louder than words, and just by acting out the fruits of the spirit, we can make a difference and be a testimony of God's existence!
If you feel like you are on the outside looking in, I want to encourage you that you are getting one of the best seats in the house. Though it may seem lonely or like you don't matter, I can assure you that people are watching!
So, how are you going to shine your light today? Our attitudes matter, and when we begin to see life through the eyes of the Father, the light inside of us will only get brighter! "Let your light shine for all to see! Start a fire in my soul, fan the flame, and make it grow, so there's no doubt or denying!" ~ @unspokenmusic

As Believers in Yeshua, it is our duty to speak the Word of God and disciple people when they begin their walk of faith. God uses us all to sow seeds of his Word into people’s lives, but our work is far from done when a person says yes to Yeshua. In fact, it is only the beginning! Where are the disciples who will minister the truth to these new believers, sowing them into good, fruitful, soil?🌾 LINK IN BIO 🤗

Let’s use this time of quarantine and lockdown to get in the presence of God, hearing what He has to say to us, and studying His Word with eyes to see and ears to hear! I’m so excited that social media can be used as an outlet for ministry, and pray that seeds will be sown during this hour! #bible #encourage #inspire #truth #yeshua #corona #covid_19 #apocalypse2020

Have you ever called out to God, but felt like He wasn’t listening? No matter what you are going through, even when it doesn’t feel like it, God is with you amidst the storm and is calling you not to be afraid, to trust in Him, and to walk on the water, keeping your eyes focused on Him rather than everything else around you!

In a world where your appearance is always being judged, and teens are feeling pressured to look “the part,” it’s super important that we understand the effect godliness has on our lives.
When we train and get our bodies into shape, we are working our muscles and training our minds to persevere through the pain; but, learning what it means to be godly and follow in the steps of our Savior (1 Peter 2:21) not only strengthens our spirits but prepares us for the day we are called to battle. ⚔️
Psychical training is necessary as we need to train our bodies, stay healthy, and look after ourselves; however, we also need to remember to make time to meditate, pray, and build our godliness so when the time comes for the Lord to call on us, we will be ready for action in both body and spirit!

“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion—to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.” ~ Isaiah 61:1-3
Beauty for ashes — We hear this phrase and read this passage often in meetings and Bible studies; however, when you dive into the sentences surrounds this popular quote, we learn that there is far more to this chapter than the promise of making beauty for ashes!
We all want to be free and become beautiful, but, as I was a Bible study last Tuesday night, I read this passage with new eyes and felt tears well up in my eyes at the magnificence of the words.
Believers are told that our mission is to share the Good News of the Gospel of the Kingdom with the world. If you are on fire for God, then you can’t help but shout His majesty to everyone around you, but, as I read Isaiah 61:1-3, I realized that there is more to plight than just spreading the news of Yeshua.
According to the Scripture, we are to serve the poor, bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim freedom for the captives, bring light into the darkness, proclaim both God’s year of favor and day of vengeance, comfort and provide for those who are grieving, and anoint them with joy instead of mourning. We are to be there for our brothers and sister in Yeshua and help lead them towards their Heavenly Father.
We can sow as many seeds of the Gospel as we like, but at some point, God is going to call us to help water, sow, and glean the harvest!
When God revealed all of this to me, I heard Him say, “This is the calling I have placed on your life.” Through my upcoming books and blog posts, I feel God using me to reach those who are trapped or lonely by sharing His Word and pointing them towards them the door where there is freedom. I want to be one of the oaks of righteousness as found in verse 3, and pray that others will join me so that we will become an active forest that displays His splendor!

God has chosen you! Whatever you need, He will provide and guide you!
After a fantastic trip to London, I’ve come back to Israel and feel like something is missing. Rereading my prayers from this week, I noticed that most of my requests had to do with relationships. One of my greatest desires, right now, is to find new friends and make new connections.
No longer wanting to feel like an outsider, I bowed at the feet of my Father and gave all my worries and hopes to Him. I serve a God who is faithful and always listening. As I poured my heart out to Him each day, He heard my prayers and answered them. Last night, I had the chance to meet up with a friend who was visiting from the States and somehow found myself in a room of girls my age who are living just 20 minutes away from me! I came home really encouraged and knew I needed to share this story with you.
If you are feeling discouraged or lonely, take your cares to the Lord because He waiting with outstretched arms and open ears to comfort and help you. Please feel free to send me a message if you would like someone to chat and pray with!

Life is an incredible gift from God, and having the chance to watch plants sprout, animals grow, and humans age is such an honor!
There couldn’t be a better time for this verse than today. The world is waking up to the glory of our Lord, and listening to people talk about the Bible! Through all the pain, suffering, and sadness, there is still hope to be found in Yeshua the Messiah, and I’m beyond excited to see more people come to know their Heavenly Father! 🙌🏼😊

What’s your morning routine? Do you wake up early to spend time with God before you’re busy day begins, or do you hit snooze until you have to rush to get ready?

What battles are you facing today?
As humans, our power and ability only stretch so far. If you’re in the midst of a war, hand the reins over to the Lord because He alone can give you the power to defeat the enemy! 🐎

No matter what temptations or struggles you’re facing, today, be encouraged that Yeshua has overcome the world and that His Word contains all we need to fight the battles that are raging against us. Strive to live a pure, godly, life and don’t feel ashamed to tell people about your hardships. Remember, even Yeshua was tempted; however, the devil has no power when the Spirit of God is living within us!
“His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”
2 Peter 1:3-4 NIV

A word that keeps coming into my mind, this week, is WISDOM! As we get ready to make atonement for Yom Kippur, which starts tonight, I’m excited to see where God is going to lead me. I’ll be dedicating my day to studying wisdom and the Temple of the Lord. What are you studying right now?

Praying for those who have been affected by Hurricane Dorian and for those who are in its path. May the winds change and the storm calm before it hits land again! 🙏🏼

I didn't make it. I was so close, but I didn't push hard enough. One day. One day I will reach my goal. I'm not going to give up. This mountain will be climbed! This race will be won!
We all experience failure; however, we cannot let it defeat us! Each mountain we climb shows how strong we're becoming. I might not be able to declare the words of this scripture today, but there will come a day where I will reach the summit and finally be ready to shout, "I have finished the race!"

What does being saved mean to you? Following last week’s post, we’re continuing on the subject of salvation. According to this passage of scripture, found in Romans 10, “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Rom 10:9) However, is that all we must do to claim our salvation? And can we lose that salvation once we’ve obtained it?
I’d love to hear your thoughts! Tomorrow, I will be sharing my answer, so stay tuned. 😊
📷: YouVersion

Praise report: My dad was just at the doctor to get an update on his heart, and the doctor was blown away by the results! My dad’s LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction, is now at 50% (It was at 30%)!! In two months he will be given the all-clear! Through this whole process, we have trusted in the Father and gone 90% natural. “By His stripes, we are healed!!” HALLELUJAH! 🥳
📷: YouVersion

Have you ever felt guilty for not spending enough time with God? Has your week been so crazy that your normal prayer or journal time hasn’t lasted as long as you would’ve liked?
Our faith does not depend on the amount of time we spend in God’s presence. Faith is not measured by the hours we spend reading the Word or in prayer, it’s measured by how we live our lives and obey God’s Word! We don’t have to read an entire book in the Bible or pray for hours to be spiritual or feel close to God. Don’t get me wrong, those are all great things to do, but when we’re running around the whole day it’s not always feasible to do on a daily basis.
Making a habit of spending time with God is awesome, but remember that your version of quality time might not be somebody else’s. Don’t let others shame you or tell you that you just need to get up earlier because we shouldn’t have to force time with God. There are days where I can’t find the words to pray, and I’m learning that that’s okay. Being in a relationship with God is about more than reading or praying, it’s about expressing His truth to others and also being open to hearing where He wants us to go.
I want to encourage you to not beat yourself up if you can’t take more than a couple of minutes to sit alone with God today because He is always with you and remains in you no matter where you go. Use each day to produce good fruit and follow where the Spirit leads. Remain in Him, and He will remain in you!
(My thoughts after reading John 15)
📷: YouVersion

Is the Lord speaking to you, today? Are you in a season of waiting? Cry out to the Lord, “Lord, I’m here, send me!” Your time will come, but you must be ready! However, the place He might send you might not be somewhere remote, but in your backyard. Open your eyes and ears to see and hear where the Spirit is leading you. Life isn’t just about finding a job and settling, it’s about going where the Lord tell you and answering when adventure calls!
📷: YouVersion

What has God been teaching you lately?
It’s not easy to hear about our flaws or have them highlighted, but sometimes it’s important to recognize the areas that need to change or be worked on. I’m not one of the first people to say this, but I will happily admit that I need lots of guidance and teaching. I don’t believe that anyone is perfect and there will always things that need work, but I’m also of the belief that you need to be the first to reach for that change. Whatever the Lord is telling me, I strive to put into practice, and I hope you do too. Let’s go on this journey together, you’re not alone! If you’re struggling today, send me a message and we can uplift one another in the word and wisdom that is found in the Bible and through our God! 😇
📷: YouVersion

Friendships are an essential part of life. We cannot make it through life without help and encouragement. Friends are there to keep you on course and help life be more meaningful.
Godly friendships are a blessing. Having someone who uplifts you up in the Word of God and prays with you is priceless. Though most friendships only last for a season, there’s some that last for a lifetime.
I’m so blessed to have at least one friend who encourages me to follow God and listen to His voice. There are no words to express the gratitude I feel for having such friends. It’s also awesome to watch them become the people God has called them to be and help them when they feel down. Like it says in Proverbs 18:24, “...There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”
If you have such a friend, consider yourself blessed. Cherish your friendship and if you haven’t heard from them in a while, send them a message that says you’re thinking of them, it’ll really make their day! 🙋🏻♀️
📷: YouVersion

The Bible says that we should love everyone, yet it also tells us that we should be sincere in our love. It can be challenging to speak up when you see insincerity, but it’s better to be truthful than remain silent to please others. Hold onto the relationships that help you grow and the people who are looking for the best in yourself and others. Life is too short to have long-term relationships with people who only make you feel frustrated and bring you down!
📷: YouVersion

After a crazy, intense, week, I’m so thankful it’s Shabbat! No matter what happened in your life this week, rest today in God’s presence and revel in His peace and understanding. He is in control, there is nothing more you can do, so rest your bodies to prepare for the coming week!
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30 NIV
📷: YouVersion

How often do you pray? Do you find yourself speaking to God only when things aren’t going well?
It’s an immediate reaction after hearing that someone is sick or if you’re applying for a job you like, but what about the days when things are going great? Don’t you think God wants to hear about the positive parts of your life as well?
In Ephesians 6, it says that we are to pray in the Spirit on all occasions, not just when we find our faith wavering. Don’t wait for a disaster or sad event to happen before talking to God, He wants to speak to you now and hear what is on your heart. God is with you through all things, the stressful and the joyful moments.
There isn’t a time limit, even if you only pray for a couple of minutes, you’ll be surprised at the revelations that come your way. Going into your room, closing the door, and opening your ears to hear what God has to say to you will help you learn more about yourself than when you are surrounded by a crowd of people.
So, today, take a couple of minutes to thank God for this beautiful day and tell Him about what is going on in your life. Make sure you also give Him time to say something to you. We can feel so self-conscious that we think that every second needs to be filled with words, but sometimes silence could be the key to unlocking the combination you’ve been having a hard time remembering.
📷: YouVersion

Losing friends, switching jobs, and changing schedules can be strenuous. We all go through periods of change, but what we might not realize is that this period can also be God’s way of pruning out the branches that aren’t producing fruit in your life. It may seem that your world is turning upside down, but even in the midst of stress and indecision, remember that God is with you and has something greater in store your life! Don’t hold onto the branches that aren’t being fruitful or uplifting your life; be ready for a change and when the day comes, embrace it! 🤗
📷: YouVersion

Do you feel you isolated? Maybe you’ve been praying for God to bring you friends. We go through so many things in life that having someone to listen and encourage you is really important. Sometimes, though, we don’t have that luxury and have to go through it alone. I believe that we all must go through a season of loneliness in order to learn who we are and who our God is. Once we’ve established our faith and delight in Him, then our prayers and desires will be met according to God’s plan on our lives.
Last night, I dreamt about events that happened in my childhood, and when I woke up, I wished that things were different, and I was in a place where I had more people around me. However, I realized that even though I want to experience the fun times I had years ago again, I will never fit in in this world.
Even if you’re surrounded by friends or people, that doesn’t mean that the things we desire will be met. Friends are an essential part of life, but it’s better to have a few than many, even if your closest friends live thousands of miles away.
I know it’s difficult, but keep praying for the things you want and ask the Lord to show you how to fulfill these desires. We can pray all we want, but sometimes the answer lies in stepping out of our comfort zones rather than waiting for God to bring it to your front door. God is not the postal service, pray and ask God to open the doors, then go after them!
📷: YouVersion

Freedom. Whenever I hear that word I immediately think of the scene from Braveheart, “FREEDOM!”
As this verse says, we are called to live in freedom; but, the second part explains that just because we are free, doesn’t mean we can do whatever we want... Whatever our flesh wants. There is always a price we must pay for freedom; however because Yeshua paid the price for us, we can come freely to the Father and have a relationship with Him!
The difference between our flesh and the Spirit:
Our flesh has a sinful nature and will always pull us to do things that aren’t rooted in God; while the Spirit is righteous and will always lead us onto the path of wisdom, understanding, and faith. So, which one will you choose? We cannot follow both. There will be instances where the flesh wins out since we are human, but understand that God is always waiting for you to come to Him.
Verses 19-23 in this chapter couldn’t have explained it any better. The lists show what the flesh desires versus what comes out of following the voice of the Spirit. We all have the desire to be good, but we also have an evil nature that we can either embrace or keep buried.
I encourage you to walk in harmony with one another and listen to the Spirit’s direction. It’s pretty neat to hear His voice and see the outcome of our obedience. At the end of the day, the choice is yours so choose wisely!
📷: YouVersion

“Teach us to number our days...”
Psalm 90:12 may be a small verse, but its words contain a world of wisdom. There’s nothing scarier than being in a hospital bed and thinking, “This is it.” What’s worse is sitting in that bed and wondering about all the things that still need to get done.
Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve watched my dad go into hospital and then come out as if nothing serious just happened. As I’ve watched, I’ve learned new wisdoms that all root in one lesson: In the end nothing else matters except the lives of the people around you.
We can go out and buy gifts or do grand gestures, but none of that is more important than spending time with the people you love. Just sitting there listening to their concerns or desires is more effective than getting them a new phone or bouquet of flowers, though it is appreciated.
Everyone has a different love language that they respond to more, there being five in total; but no matter which one is in your top ranking, I think we will all agree that quality time is crucial.
Having health scares wakes you up to the reality about how mortal our lives are. We only have a short time on this earth to create our footprints, so don’t let life slip you by.
What is the thing you want people to remember you by?
Think about that question as you go through your day, and also ask yourself if you’re doing what it takes to fulfill your answer. Use your life to make a difference and impact the lives of those around you. Follow God’s voice and always be open to where He wants you to go.
I really don’t like seeing people run themselves to the ground because we’ve been taught the philosophy that we, ourselves, come last when in actuality our body’s needs should come first. Without our bodies, we cannot serve or be the people God has called us to be, so take care of your body and when you need a time out, take it! There will always be someone who won’t appreciate what you’re doing, but don’t let that stop you. It’s better to have the ability to give something your all than drive yourself to the ground trying to please more people than your body can handle.
Our days are numbered, don’t live your life safe or with regrets, take the plunge or go on the adventure that’s been on your heart for years! 🤗
📷: YouVersion

It’s safe to say that this week did not go as planned. If you would’ve told me a week ago that I would still be in Israel and not going to my best friend’s wedding, I would’ve laughed and said, “No way!” However, here I am, sitting in the kitchen with a bowl of cereal still in Israel...
People react to disappointment in different ways. Some scream, cry and don’t accept what is happening to them; while others, though still sad, decide to dwell on positive rather than negative emotions to pull them through.
I’m a mixture of both. At the beginning of this trial, I had moments where I sobbed and got angry; but as I learned that nothing would’ve changed had I seen my error earlier, I quickly came to terms with my new reality.
I would not be sitting here writing this had I not leaned on God and continuously prayed for His peace and wisdom to help me through this week. He has been my rock, and now that the trauma is over, I’m finally able to collect my thoughts.
I’m a true believer in everything happening for a reason, and though I don’t understand it right now, I might find out one day. So, instead of seething in bitterness and disappointment, I’ve decided that my time is better spent thanking God for His guidance and the strength He gave me to make it through this exhausting week.
Stay tuned for the blog explaining the events that have led me to where I am today.
Shabbat Shalom!
“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal.”
Isaiah 26:3-4 NIV
📷: YouVersion

Romans 8 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. It’s all about living life by the Spirit and trusting in God for all our needs and being His children. We are all called to live according to His purpose and follow His commands, which can be easy to do when we’re happy, and everything seems to be going well in our lives; but what happens when the unexpected flips your world upside down?
I’m supposed to be in the States right now. My best friend is getting married next Sunday, and as one of her bridesmaids, my presence is needed; however, as I was packing for my trip, I felt unrest and panic come over me. Anyone who knows me knows how much I love to travel and how easy it is for me to pack and leave, but this time was different. I was stressed about what I needed to pack, and hours before my taxi arrived to take me to the airport, I couldn’t calm down. As I prayed, I asked God to show me what I was missing and give me peace; what God revealed was anything but what I expected!
From the very beginning, I’ve given this trip over to the Lord. I know that there is only so much I can do and am trusting that He will work His miracles if I am to truly called to be a part of this wedding and be in the States at this time. Tomorrow I will know for sure whether or not I will be boarding my flight on Wednesday. Thinking about it makes my heart pound, but I’m refusing to allow myself to get worked up; instead, I'm focusing on getting ready for my meeting and praying.
Are you going through a testing time right now? Maybe you’re facing a giant and have no idea how to defeat him. Well, I encourage you to meditate on Romans 8 and allow the Holy Spirit to show you what you need to do. I’m so thankful God revealed the thing I was missing before it was too late, though the timing couldn’t have been worse.
All things work together for those who are called according to His purpose!
📷: YouVersion

Even though stress may overtake us and fear can paralyze us, our spirits are being renewed each day, and we WILL NOT falter. Be encouraged today that whatever you’re going through, you will make it to the other side and prevail. Last night I was completely stressed and overwhelmed by the decisions I have to make this week, but after reading these Scriptures, I once again feel like I’m standing on solid ground!
“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 NIV
📷: YouVersion

Today, I found out that someone I know has been in a rock climbing accident and is currently in the ICU. His family and friends are gathering together tonight to stand in agreement and pray that the swelling in his brain will go down. His sister quoted Matthew 18:20 in her post, and as I read this chapter, tonight, I felt the need to write this short post.
What are you praying for today? Maybe you’re don’t know what decision you should make, or you’re sick and want healing. Whatever your needs, the Bible frequently talks about bringing those requests before the Father, and He will answer you.
The Lord hears us wherever we are; however, Matthew 18 says that when two or more are gathered in Yeshua’s name, he will be with them. Standing in prayer with close family and friends, or even as a church, is powerful. When we are in unity with one another, the Spirit has the chance to move through us and reveal the solutions to what we've been asking for.
So, tonight, please stand with me in prayer for Carson’s healing. And also, if you have any prayer requests or testimonies, write them in the comments below or on Inspire-Truth’s website. We are all a part of the body of Messiah and shouldn’t feel alone when going through tough times.
Our God is faithful through all things!
“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
Matthew 18:19-20 NIV
📷: YouVersion

Did you ever play Monopoly as a kid? Maybe you still do. Was there ever a moment when you landed on someone’s property, but they didn’t notice? Did you tell them and pay the amount owed or did you sit quietly and hope they wouldn’t notice?
Over the last couple of days, my family and I have been playing Monopoly every night. I have yet to win, but I realized something interesting at the end of tonight’s game. On more than one occasion my dad forgot to ask my mom or me for rent and each time I was the one who reminded him. I also helped when they didn’t move their tokens to the right spaces, even though it usually caused me more harm than good. At one point my mom told me to stop helping my dad, but I couldn’t because I have too loud a conscience and don’t like cheating to win a game.
Micah 6:8 tells us that the Lord requires us to Act Justly, Love Mercy and Walk Humbly. Nowhere in this verse does it have the words, “Unless it does not benefit yourself.” In EVERYTHING we do, we are called, no required, to be honest and humble with God, ourselves and others. It’s not always going to be an easy task, and you might not get a reward; but doing the right thing is about more than helping yourself, it’s about helping others and watching them be blessed as a result.
Tonight, God reminded me that even though I didn’t win at Monopoly, I never lost my integrity or honesty. It wasn’t exactly pleasant to watch my dad take over half of the board, while I only had one set of property, but at least he’d earned it.
If you’re in a situation where you’ve seen someone doing something wrong or notice someone about to walk away from a great opportunity, don’t stand back in silence, call attention to those things! It’s not a comfortable task, but we shouldn’t stand by when we have a chance to speak into someone’s life; sometimes the biggest blessing is seeing someone else be blessed or find God.
Act Justly. Love Mercy. Walk Humbly.
📷: YouVersion

1 Timothy 4:14-15, “Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy when the body of elders laid their hands on you. Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress.”
When I was a little girl, I discovered my passion for writing. As I grew older, my dreams of becoming a writer never left my mind, though I considered other options; however, it wasn’t until friends, family, and mentors spoke into my life and encouraged me to pursue writing that I felt like I had something to share.
Creating Inspire-Truth was only the beginning! After being inspired by Rachel Hollis’s post about writing a book, I have finally started to set goals and sit down to write the stories that have been on my heart for years. Once I got over the roadblock that the first draft won’t be perfect, I felt the barriers lift, and words suddenly started to flow into the page again.
You have a gift, use it!
Never give up on your dreams or callings; God has put those desires on your heart for a reason and has given you the gifts to fulfill those dreams. It’s always scary take that leap of faith, but by using your gifts and following God’s guidance, nothing will be impossible!
📷: YouVersion

Actions speak louder than words. Sometimes, words aren’t what’s needed in a situation; just being there for a friend or loved one can make a difference. Don’t miss the opportunity to show love; it takes more effort to be hateful than loving. So, let’s portray the love of the Messiah to those around us, today!
📷: YouVersion

Psalm 119 is an intimidating chapter to read; however, it’s full of encouragement and wisdom that I needed to hear tonight.
Lately, I’ve been praying about where the Father is leading me and what I’m supposed to be doing while I wait for His answer. I have a habit of trying to figure out my options by myself instead of giving them to God, but Psalm 119 reminded me that I need to turn to the Father and read His Word before settling on any decision.
If you’re feeling stuck in the mud and have zero motivation, take time to pray and read the Bible. Not every day will be a productive one, but each day is a step towards our future; so don't beat yourself up when things go slow. Life isn't always a smooth ride, there will be times where the day’s biggest accomplishment is doing a load of washing or reading the longest chapter in the Bible.😉 Whatever the day brings, find achievement the small things you got done, and remember... You’ve got this!🙋🏻♀️
📷: YouVersion

Psalm 91 has been a real comfort to me, over the last couple of days, as I’ve been battling a couple of my fears. Imaginations tend to run wild, especially mine, so we have to keep track of what is reality and what is fantasy. Knowing God is my shelter and protector has put me at ease when I’m feeling afraid; and with this chapter, I’m starting to take control of my fears!
📷 from: YouVersion