Word of Encouragement: Matthew 6:33

What are you asking the Lord for today? Patience? Joy? A new job? These are all good and worthy things to bring before our Heavenly Father. But as I was recently reading Eric Gilmour’s book Jesus is Enough, one line struck me: “He [Jesus] is the answer you need… It’s in Him that all consists! Look to Jesus [and] He will be all of those other things.”

This truth is powerfully captured in Matthew 6:33: “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Though I’ve read this verse many times, it was only this week that I grasped its wisdom. When we fix our eyes on Jesus — making Him the center of our lives — and prioritize His Kingdom’s work above all else, everything we need and pray for falls into place according to His perfect will. Why? Because Yeshua (Jesus) is everything we could ever need!

Too often, we focus on what we lack, the pressures of the day, or the specific answers we’re waiting for. While bringing these requests to the Lord is important, the Bible doesn’t call us to remain in a posture of worry or self-focus. Instead, we’re invited to lift our eyes to Jesus, trusting He’s already heard our petitions. As we walk in obedience, He will establish our steps. It’s in beholding Him — His beauty, His sufficiency, His love — that everything else fades into its proper perspective.

In chapter two of Jesus is Enough, Eric Gilmour asks this convicting question: “What is more attractive to you than spending time with Jesus?” Take a moment to reflect on that today. What is shifting your gaze away from God? Is Jesus truly at the center of your heart and your day? If not, come back to Him. He’s waiting, and He is always enough.

“We live by looking. When I stop looking at Him, I stop seeing Him. When I stop seeing Him, I stop desiring Him. When I stop desiring Him, I start looking for other things.” (Eric Gilmour)

As we prepare to enter a new year, fix your gaze on Jesus and let His presence satisfy your soul. He is all we need. Seek Him first, and watch everything else fall into place. 

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