“The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer, my God, my mountain where I seek refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” ~ Psalm 18:2
A year without a new Connilyn Cossette book feels incomplete. I eagerly anticipate each release, ready to immerse myself in Biblical Israel, uncovering sweet romances woven into rich historical backdrops. However, this year’s release, Shield of the Mighty, struck an emotional chord as it followed Zevi’s quest for vengeance against the ruthless Philistines who kidnapped him and pillaged his city as a child.
“All I’d ever wanted was to become a soldier, and I’d excelled at it that day, but I had not been prepared for what looking into the eyes of an enemy as he took his last breath would do to my soul.” ~ Connilyn Cossette
Captured by the Philistines as a young boy, Zevi has grown into a formidable warrior. As a captain in King Saul’s army, he is assigned a crucial mission: Recruit soldiers, gather tribute for the royal coffers, and find talented artisans for the king’s court. But when he is sent to Maresha, the town he was forced to leave as a child, he faces a startling truth–the elder council rejects King Saul and his campaign against their enemies.
Yochana, a widow and skilled woman of business, is captivated by a stranger who enters her perfume shop. Upon discovering he is not only a soldier but a captain responsible for enlisting young men to die in battle, fury and pain from her past loss resurfaces, threatening to consume her. But when Zevi’s actions in Maresha entangle Yochana in his radical scheme, they’re forced to confront present dangers and past scars.
Embark on a journey through ancient Israel with bestselling and award-winning author Connilyn Cossette in this exhilarating tale of vengeance, justice, and healing.
As a long-time fan of Connilyn Cossette, I was thrilled to dive into Shield of the Mighty, expecting to be swept away as I have been many times before. However, from the book’s dedication, I sensed this would be a different and difficult read. The story hit close to home, with moments that didn’t feel ancient at all. For the first time, I cried over a Biblical fiction novel. While these stories are powerful reminders of our Mighty God, since October 7th, the line between past and present blurred, and I struggled to separate the two. Zevi’s raw accounts of his kidnapping and his desire for vengeance were painfully relatable. No one should endure the destruction of their home or the loss of family to heinous acts of evil. Yet, rather than dwelling on the resentment and sorrow of these events, I found hope in how the characters in the book responded to these attacks, especially in their humility when they surrendered to God’s will.
“The Philistines are not bound by the battlefield laws Yahweh gave us through Mosheh. So they have no restraint in how they wage war. Women and children are not exempt from their unspeakable atrocities. They plunder and pillage and rape and burn simply because we are Hebrew and they covet the Land given to us by the Creator.” ~ Connilyn Cossette
Since meeting Zevi in Between the Wild Branches, it was rewarding to delve into his thoughts in Shield of the Mighty. His character had matured wonderfully, and although I wasn’t fond of his initial actions, he more than redeemed himself in the book’s second half. From the meadow scene onward, I was completely hooked, unable to put the book down until the final page. I am continually in awe of how Connilyn transforms vague Bible passages into rich, intoxicating tales of war, heroism, faith, and restoration. Her passion for God’s people and the Promised Land shines through every page.
“There is nothing wrong with fighting for our people, Zevi. It is a noble thing to sacrifice your life for another. But just as a soldier trusts his commander and a commander trusts his king, you must trust the King above all Kings to direct you. And as I’ve learned over these past years, the orders are more often whispered than shouted.” ~ Connilyn Cossette
Yochana was another standout character. She was unafraid to speak her mind and stood firm before influential people to protect those she loved. Her growth throughout the story was beautifully portrayed, and her relationship with Zevi blossomed — though it sometimes felt rushed.
“It hadn’t been since Ilan that I’d enjoyed the feeling of a man’s attention. In fact, I actively avoided it, and here this stranger walked into my shop on a rainy day and I was overwhelmed by his presence and nearly desperate for just the promise of his laughter.” ~ Connilyn Cossette
If nothing else, I hope readers come away from Shield of the Mighty with a deeper understanding of why Israel must stand firm against its enemies. Attacks like the Black Sabbath are not new, and we must intercede, asking God to continue shielding His people and land as we fight for peace. Zevi’s story reminded me of the truth I had lost sight of after almost a year of war: Our God is mighty. He can vanquish our enemies with a mere breath, and His Word stands forever. Though we look at the vast armies surrounding us and wonder how we will survive, we must remember that God hears our cries and uses us as His soldiers to bring glory to His name. The threats are real, and the situation is severe, but as we see throughout the Bible, our God is all-powerful and confuses the enemy’s plans, bringing victory in His name!
“No matter our faithlessness, the will of Yahweh would not be thwarted.” ~ Connilyn Cossette
This is the standout message and theme I took from Shield of the Mighty. Watching Zevi wrestle with his childhood vow, release the trauma of his past, and choose to honor God above all else was powerful. Yes, he made mistakes, but God used the bad to bring blessing, restoration, and life. That’s the God we serve — He makes beauty from ashes. I’m excited to read Gavi’s story next and see how the Lord uses him in the unfolding events of King Saul’s reign.
“What if I stopped holding on to what I thought my life should be and let Adonai determine my path? What would happen if I stopped gripping so tightly to what I held dear and opened up my hands instead?” ~ Connilyn Cossette
Lastly, I want to thank Connilyn Cossette for standing with Israel, writing stories like this, and reminding readers that while these are historical accounts, the story continues today, with us as the characters in God’s ongoing narrative. We all have a purpose; we are all precious in God’s eyes. Through our obedience, God uses us in mighty ways to bring Him glory and honor. May we continue to see the Lord as our Great Commander and Shield through the wars we face, trusting that victory is only found in Him. Am Yisrael Chai!
“Blessed are you, Israel! Who is like you, a people saved by the Lord? He is your shield and helper and your glorious sword. Your enemies will cower before you, and you will tread on their heights.” ~ Deuteronomy 33:29 NIV
*Thank you, NetGalley and the publisher, for providing me with a pre-release copy of this novel. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.*
CLICK HERE to order a copy of Shield of the Mighty
My Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Positive content: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Godly content: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Sexual content: ⭐️
Violence: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Age: 14+
- “Go before me and behind me, O Mighty One, Shield me with your truth and let justice reign.” ~ Connilyn Cossette
- “All Hebrew territory is in danger. We are surrounded on every side by those who either claim this land as their own or who desire to conquer it.”~ Connilyn Cossette
- “We must be united, or we will cease to exist altogether.” ~ Connilyn Cossette
- “Yahweh took my mistakes, my bad decisions, and my outright rebellion and turned it into something beautiful.” ~ Connilyn Cossette
- “It hadn’t been since Ilan that I’d enjoyed the feeling of a man’s attention. In fact, I actively avoided it, and here this stranger walked into my shop on a rainy day and I was overwhelmed by his presence and nearly desperate for just the promise of his laughter.”~ Connilyn Cossette
- “All I’d ever wanted was to become a soldier, and I’d excelled at it that day, but I had not been prepared for what looking into the eyes of an enemy as he took his last breath would do to my soul.” ~ Connilyn Cossette
- “What if I stopped holding on to what I thought my life should be and let Adonai determine my path? What would happen if I stopped gripping so tightly to what I held dear and opened up my hands instead?” ~ Connilyn Cossette
- “There is nothing wrong with fighting for our people, Zevi. It is a noble thing to sacrifice your life for another. But just as a soldier trusts his commander and a commander trusts his king, you must trust the King above all Kings to direct you. And as I’ve learned over these past years, the orders are more often whispered than shouted.”~ Connilyn Cossette
- “The Philistines are not bound by the battlefield laws Yahweh gave us through Mosheh. So they have no restraint in how they wage war. Women and children are not exempt from their unspeakable atrocities. They plunder and pillage and rape and burn simply because we are Hebrew and they covet the Land given to us by the Creator.” ~ Connilyn Cossette
- “No matter our faithlessness, the will of Yahweh would not be thwarted.”~ Connilyn Cossette