Prayer for Mid-Terms

Hi Hannah,

I really enjoyed reading your website! I was talking to one of my friends over Facetime and she recommended me to this page. You have fans! Maybe one day I can be as cool as you and make my own website, but until then I have to keep studying for this midterm I have in 9 hours. Yikes! Keep me in your prayers for my schooling and that my future decisions are what God intends them to be. Hope to hear from you soon!


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  1. Inspire-Truth - Reply

    Hi Michael,

    Thank you for your kind words! I’m so glad people are starting to spread the word about Inspire-Truth.

    I will most certainly pray for you as you go to take your mid-terms, that God will guide you to the right answers! I also pray that God will lead you down the right path for your daily life and your future! He’s got you in His hands, just listen to what He has to say to you!


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