I don’t even know where to begin with Master of One… I have had to collect my thoughts before writing this review because the last two weeks have been life-changing! Every morning, I dedicated an hour to reading and meditating on a chapter of this book, absorbing the wisdom found within its pages. Like my friend, Soleil said after I shared a couple of pages with her, Master of One is a “guidebook to life”!
“It’s just as important to know who you’re not and what you aren’t called to, as it is to known who you are and what you are called to. Because the clearer your sense of identity and calling is, the more you can focus on what God made you to do.” ~ John Mark Comer
Jordan Raynor continues to blow me away! Tackling the age-old questions that we all must come against, Jordan simplifies the process of finding and mastering our callings with all our hearts and soul! With Scripture forming each chapter and quotes from famous, successful, and well-known people, athletes, entrepreneurs, writers, and more, readers are taken on a soul-searching journey onto the path God is calling each of us to walk down! Rather than reading a how-to book that gives us all the answers, Master of One lays down the foundation, giving us wings to soar closer to the Father and hear the words He wants to say to each of us. We are never far from God, and walking out the life He has put on our hearts is the greatest way to draw nearer to Him, finding true contentment and joy along the way.
“The path to finding and focusing on your one thing is rarely direct. more often than not, it is messy, creative, and fueled by a healthy dose of exploration and experimentation.” ~ Jordan Raynor
As we say goodbye to adolescence and hello to adulthood, the question that tends to plague our minds is, “What am I going to do with my life?” No one wants to get stuck in a job that pays the bills but leaves us with little to no joy. In Master of One, Jordan Raynor explores what becoming a master of one in a world that encourages us to become a jack/jill-of-all-trades does for the body of Messiah and our relationship with God! Taking our focus off ourselves and onto bringing glory to God and being a servant to others, Jordan shifts the world’s view of success to something more fulfilling. Many of us are struggling to find purpose in this era where so much is available to us, but with dedication, the Spirit’s guidance, and wisdom from other believers, we will be able to move a few steps closer to the finish line! We all have a choice, though, and it will take some detours for us to learn where our devotion, calling, and passions lie!
Master of One changed my perspective on how I look at my work. As someone who understands what God has called me to do, I still struggle with time management and focus. Reading this book and taking the time to soak in the words gave me a newfound peace and drive to set up boundaries and truly devote my days to mastering my craft! Speaking clearly through Jordan’s words, the Father taught me a new lesson with each chapter, causing me to fill my journal with quotes, Scriptures, insights, and prayers that I look forward to rereading in the future.
“Let us not be content with the shallow happiness that is so easily attained through mediocrity. Instead, let us passionately and unashamedly chase the infinite joy that comes with mastering the work we were created to do, thereby sharing the Master’s happiness and feeling his pleasure.” ~ Jordan Raynor
Whether you are questioning your calling or feel overwhelmed with the pressure the world is putting on you to choose a specific path, I recommend reading Master of One. Never has a book been more clear and more encouraging! It’s great to try your hand at multiple jobs — so long as you don’t get stuck doing something that pulls you away from achieving true mastery — but it’s also important that we learn to work for others rather than ourselves. I pray that after reading this book, you will begin to ask yourself these two important questions when making a decision, “Will this bring glory to God? How can I serve others through this work?” May we learn to take ourselves off the pedestal and remember what Yeshua said are the most important commands, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind…love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37,39)
“There is no end to the path of mastery. Mastery is not a destination but a lifelong journey of continually honing our crafts in order to more effectively declare the excellencies of our Creator and serve those around us, always believing that ‘better is possible.'” ~ Jordan Raynor
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[yasr_multiset setid=0] Ages: 13+
- “It’s just as important to know who you’re not and what you aren’t called to, as it is to known who you are and what you are called to. Because the clearer your sense of identity and calling is, the more you can focus on what God made you to do.” ~ John Mark Comer
- “The path to finding and focusing on your one thing is rarely direct. more often than not, it is messy, creative, and fueled by a healthy dose of exploration and experimentation.” ~ Jordan Raynor
- “Let us not be content with the shallow happiness that is so easily attained through mediocrity. Instead, let us passionately and unashamedly chase the infinite joy that comes with mastering the work we were created to do, thereby sharing the Master’s happiness and feeling his pleasure.” ~ Jordan Raynor
- “There is no end to the path of mastery. Mastery is not a destination but a lifelong journey of continually honing our crafts in order to more effectively declare the excellencies of our Creator and serve those around us, always believing that ‘better is possible.'” ~ Jordan Raynor