Go to Pasture

John 10:9-10 -” I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.“

What do Monopoly and John 10:9 have in common?

For many of us, Monopoly evokes traumatizing memories, especially when our opponents buy up all the houses and hotels. With sweaty palms, we roll the dice, praying to land on Free Parking for a much-needed reprieve. Over the years, various versions of Monopoly have emerged, with my favorite being Horse-Opoly. In this version, Free Parking becomes Pasture. I can’t tell you the relief I felt each time I landed on Pasture after narrowly avoiding the bankrupting rent prices of the other properties (or horses, in this case). For one turn, I could rest and restore my funds before diving back into the game.
Thankfully, we don’t have to rely on the roll of a dice to find rest in God’s pasture. As John 10:9 says, Jesus/Yeshua is the gate through which we can freely come and go, equipping us with everything we need to live life to the fullest. However, are we actively seeking His pasture?
We live in a time where information, entertainment, and noise make it hard to be still at the end of the day. Every step feels like we’re landing on another property with a house or hotel, draining us of our resources and energy. It’s no wonder we’re so exhausted! In the horse world, horses enter the pasture for an evening of grazing, play, and rest after a long day’s work. If horses need this respite after a hard day, don’t you think we do too?
Satan wants to convince us that we have to work ourselves to the bone, ignoring the gift of the Lord’s pasture. After nine months of war and tension, finding pockets of rest in God’s pasture has been wonderful, restoring my peace and strength after another day of red alerts and more bad news. The Lord’s pasture is a gift, but there is a gate for a reason and work still to be done, so once our strength and mind reset, it’s time to return to the world of chaos.
Are you tired? The gate always stays open, with Yeshua waiting to unload your burdens and replenish your soul for the coming days. He knows how complex this world is, and amid the constant noise, Yeshua offers us peace and quiet, reminding us who is In control.
Don’t wait for the dice to roll the right number; head to the pasture today!

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