Get Out of Your Head

“The greatest spiritual battle of our generation is being fought between our ears.”  ~ Jennie Allen

I have never read a self-help book that teaches you to let go of yourself and hold onto God until I picked up Get Out of Your Head! This book was a breath of fresh air because not only does it encourage believers to stop settling for their feelings and ailments, but it provides incredible tools to take our thoughts captive and make our minds submit to the Spirit! I feel as though I have gone on a spiritual pilgrimage after reading this book. The content perfectly aligned with where I’m at in my faith walk, and Jennie Allen’s wisdom really inspired me to draw closer to the Father, no longer allowing myself to listen to my flesh when it tells me that it’s okay to procrastinate and lose control of my emotions!

You’re not a victim of your own mind, because if you’re in Christ, you have victory.” ~ Jennie Allen

Get Out of Your Head is unlike any book I have read! Though it is categorized as self-help, it does not contain content that will make your flesh feel better; instead, it provides your soul with real, nutritional food that will replenish your mind, body, and spirit while pointing everything back to the Messiah! Touching on topics like anxiety, doubt, depression, loneliness, and more, Jennie Allen taps into the stumbling blocks that keep so many people from learning who their Savior is and getting to know Him on a personal level.

“The only true self-help is for us as followers of Jesus to believe who we are as daughters and sons of the king of the universe and to know that our identity was secured by the shed blood of God’s own Son. When we believe that about ourselves, we think less about ourselves and more about the mission we’ve been given to love God and the people God puts in front of us, no matter our circumstances.” ~ Jennie Allen

As I read this incredible book (one I cannot rave about enough), I followed along with the Made for This podcast and book club booklet. While I didn’t agree with everything Jennie spoke about in the podcast episodes, the interviews and questions between the chapters brought the words to life and added more testament to an already rich book. I have already shared Get Out of Your Head with most of my friends and family, and I will continue to encourage others to get a copy so they can also be inspired to build their faith on a stronger, sturdier foundation.

LIE: The more self-esteem I have, the better life will go for me. TRUTH: The more I choose God and others over myself, the more joyful I will be.” ~ Jennie Allen

Satan is using our minds to go to war against our spiritual beings, and so many people are unaware of what is happening! This needs to change. It’s time to take control and stop listening to the world that is telling us that mental illness is normal and that the only cure is to get in tune with our emotions and take medication for the rest of our lives! NO! Though there are absolutely instances when medication is beneficial, the only way to be truly free (and it is possible) is by coming to the Father and finding our identity in Him! You can go through the motions for years, but until we stop trying to control our lives and start holding onto what the Bible commands us to lay at God’s feet, we will never find true contentment and purpose! “There is no highway option,” as Vin Diesel says in The Pacifier; it’s God or our flesh; which are you going to choose today?

“What is the one thought that can successfully interrupt every negative thought pattern? It’s this: I have a choice. That’s it. The singular, interrupting thought is this one: I have a choice. If you have trusted in Jesus as your Savior, you have the power of God in you to choose! You are no longer a slave to passions, to lusts, to strongholds, to sin of any kind. You have a God-given, God-empowered, God-redeemed ability to choose what you think about. You have a choice regarding where you focus your energy. You have a choice regarding what you live for.” ~ Jennie Allen


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[yasr_multiset setid=0] Ages: 13+

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